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经典英语儿歌十首经典英语儿歌十首英语头条– 中企动力



提示:本文共有 6399 个字,阅读大概需要 13 分钟。

相信很多妈妈跟西西妈一样都认识到了英语的重要性,想要早点让宝宝学习英语。在西西快两岁半的时候我开始让她听英文的儿歌,她在儿歌中学会了ABC26个字母,学会了1 10的英文说法。今天西西妈就给大家推荐10首歌词简单曲风可爱的英文儿歌,可以作为磨耳朵的音乐给宝宝听哦~










now you see,

I can say my ABC.


Ten Little Indians


One little,

two little,

three little Indians;

Four little,

five little,

six little Indians;

Seven little,

eight little,

nine little Indians;

Ten little Indian boys;

One little,

two little,

three little Indians;

Four little,

five little,

six little Indians;

Seven little,

eight little,

nine little Indians;

Ten little Indian boys;

Ten little,

nine little,

eight little Indians;

Seven little,

six little,

five little Indians;

Four little,

three little,

two little Indians;

One little Indian boy;

Ten little,

nine little,

eight little Indians;

Seven little,

six little,

five little Indians;

Four little,

three little,

two little Indians;

One little Indian boy.

十个印第安小男孩的歌可以让宝宝轻松掌握1 10的英文说法,而且还可以顺便学习到关于印第安人的一些常识,西西就很喜欢让我给她看印第安人的图片。

Row, row,row your boat


Row,Row,Row your boat,

Gently down the stream.


Life is but a dream.


Rain rain go away


rain rain go away,

come again another day,

little Johnny wants to play,

rain rain go away.

rain rain go away,

come again another day,

little Jphnny wants to play,

rain rain go away.


Twinkle, twinkle, little star


Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

When the blazing sun is gone,

When he nothing shines upon,

Then you show your little light,

Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Then the travler in the dark

Thanks you for your tiny spark;

How could he see where to go,

If you did not twinkle so?

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

In the dark blue sky you keep, and

Through my curtains often peep,

For you never shut your eyes,

Till the morning sun does rise.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

As your bright and tiny spark

Lights the travler in the dark,

Though I know not what you are,

Twinkle on, please, little star.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!


Brother John


Are you sleeping, are you sleeping?

Brother John, Brother John?

Morning bells are ringing,

Morning bells are ringing

Ding, Ding Dong, Ding, Ding Dong.


Incy wincy spider


Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the water spout,


Down came the rain and washed poor Incy out.


Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain,


And Incy Wincy spider climbed up the spout again.





There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH!

B I N G O! B I N G O! B I N G O!

And bingo was his name, Oh!

There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH!

I N G O! I N G O! I N G O!

And bingo was his name, Oh!

There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH!

N G O! N G O! N G O!

And bingo was his name, Oh!

There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH!

G O! G O! G O!

And bingo was his name, Oh!

There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH!

O! O! O!

And bingo was his name, Oh!

There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH!

And bingo was his name, Oh


If you re happy


if you re happy and you know it clap your hands

if you re happy and you know it clap your hands

if you re happy and you know it

never be afraid to show it

if you re happy and you know itclap your hands

if you re happy and you know it stomp your feet

if you re happy and you know it stomp your feet

if you re happy and you know it

never be afraid to show it

if you re happy and you know it stomp your feet

if you re happy and you know it wink your eye

if you re happy and you know it wink your eye

if you re happy and you know it

never be afriad to show it

if you re happy and you know it wink your eye


Old Macdonald


Old Macdonald had a farm. E I E I O.

And on that farm he had some Chicks. E I E I O.

With a chick chick here. And a chick chick there.

Here a chick. There a chick. Everywhere a chick.

Old Macdonald had a farm. E I E I O.

Old Macdonald had a farm. E I E I O.

And on that farm he had some cows. E I E I O.

With a moo moo here. And a moo moo there.

Here a moo. There a moo. Everywhere a moo moo.

With a chick chick here. And a chick chick there

Here a chick. There a chick. Everywhere a chick

Old Macdonald had a farm. E I E I O.

Old Macdonald had a farm. E I E I O.

And on that farm he had some ducks. E I E I O.

With a quack quack here. And a quack quack there.

Here a quack. There a moo. Everywhere a quack quack.

With a moo moo here. And a moo moo there.

Here a moo. There a moo. Everywhere a moo moo.

With a chick chick here. And a chick chick there

Here a chick. There a chick. Everywhere a chick

Old Macdonald had a farm. E I E I O.

Old Macdonald had a farm. E I E I O.

And on that farm he had some pigs. E I E I O.

With a oink oink there. And a oink oink there.

Here a oink, there a oink. Everywhere a oink baa.

With a quack quack here. And a quack quack there.

Here a quack. There a moo. Everywhere a quack quack

With a moo moo here. And a moo moo there

Here a moo. There a moo. Everywhere a moo moo

With a chick chick here. And a chick chick there

Here a chick. There a chick. Everywhere a chick

Old Macdonald had a farm. E I E I O

Old Macdonald had a farm. E I E I O.

And on that farm he had some dogs. E I E I O.

With a bow bow here. And a bow bow there.

Here a bow. There a bow. Everywhere a bow bow.

With a oink oink there. And a oink oink there.

Here a oink, there a oink. Everywhere a oink baa.

With a quack quack here. And a quack quack there.

Here a quack. There a moo. Everywhere a quack quack

With a moo moo here. And a moo moo there

Here a moo. There a moo. Everywhere a moo moo

With a chick chick here. And a chick chick there

Here a chick. There a chick. Everywhere a chick

Old Macdonald had a farm. E I E I O.




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