



1.Knowledge makes humble ignorance makes proud

2.自由之于人类,就像亮光之于眼睛空气之于肺腑爱情之于心灵。——英格索尔 Freedom in human beings like the light to the eyes of the air in the heart of love is to the mind

3.cease to struggle and you cease to live——thomas carlyle

4.了解面临逆境,远好比何接受顺境重要得多。——马丁·赛力格曼 Understand the face of adversity much like what accept prosperity is much more important

5.人生的小小不幸,可以帮助我们度过重大的不幸。——伊森伯格 A small misfortune in life can help us through great misfortune

6.Accept what was and what is and you’ll have more positive energy to pursue what will be

7.Believe in yourself

8.The secret of success is constancy to purpose

9.Great works are performed not by strengh but by perseveranceSamuel Johnson British writer and critic


11.Where there is a will there is a way——Thomas Edison American inventor

12.When one loves ones art no service seems too hard ——O Henry American novelist


14.If you would go up high then use your own legs ! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other peoples backs and heads FW Nietzsche German Philosopher

15.Let bygones be bygones

16.The empty vessels make the greatest sound ——William Shakespeare British dramatist

17.先相信你自己,然后别人才会相信你。——屠格涅夫 Believe in yourself first and then others will believe you

18.人和人之间,最痛心的事莫过于在你认为理应获得善意和友谊的地方,却遭受了烦扰和损害。——拉伯雷 Between person and person the most painful thing in the place where you think deserves the goodwill and friendship but suffered disturb and damage

19.青春是人生之花,是生命的自然表现。——池田大作 Youth is the flower of life is the natural expression of life

20.Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well

21.Learn and live


23.Behind every successful man theres a lot u unsuccessful years Bob Brown

24.Genius only means hardworking all ones life Mendeleyev Russian chemist

25.伟大的才能比伟大的成功更不寻常。——沃维纳格 Great to more unusual than great success

26.随着我渐渐变老,我越来越少在意人们在说些什么。我只观察他们做什么。——安德鲁·卡内基 As I get older I care about what people are saying less and less I just watch what they do

27.Like author like book

28.The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible " Bonaparte Napoleon French emperor

29.Live a noble and honest life Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again

30.He who seize the right moment is the right man——goethe

31.Do one thing at a time and do well

32.And gladly would learn and gladly teach ——Chaucer British poet

33.Like a rat in a hole

34.Life is but a span

35.Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow

36.There is no such thing as a great talent without great will power Balzac

有关励志 勤学 惜时 理想的名人名言~英文版作业帮

有关励志 勤学 惜时 理想的名人名言~英文版作业帮

名言励志You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.你不能改变你的过去,但你可以让你的未来变得更美好.一旦时间浪费了,生命就浪费了.Knowlegde can cha...

2020-06-12 #经典故事



... 15. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 关于珍惜时间的名人名言英文版 1. 时间是我的财产,我的田亩是时间。 Time is my property, my field is time. 2. 落日无边江不尽,此身此日更须忙。 Sunset over the endless river, the body is the day to be more busy. 3. ...

2020-06-13 #经典故事

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正版名人名言大全注音版 读名人故事名人名言的书籍小学生格言警句 一年级课外阅读书

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正版名人名言大全注音版 读名人故事名人名言的书籍小学生格言警句 一年级课外阅读书

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正版名人名言大全注音版 读名人故事名人名言的书籍小学生格言警句 一年级课外阅读书籍带拼音故事书小学生语文新课标必读价格 图片 品牌 报价 苏宁易购海川信诺图书专营店正版名人名言大全注音版 读名人故事名人名言的...

2020-06-20 #故事会在线阅读

正版名人名言大全注音版 读名人故事名人名言的书籍小学生格言警句 一年级课外阅读书

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2020-06-20 #短篇故事



春秋时期,卫国有个人叫孔圉[yǔ],勤奋好学,而且很谦虚。他死了以后,卫国的国君为了表彰他,并让后人学习他的好学精神,就赐给他一个文的称号,所以,后来人们就尊称他为孔文子。 孔子有个学生叫子贡,也是卫国人。...

2020-04-03 #故事会

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问: 答:雁荡经行云漠漠,龙湫宴坐雨蒙蒙一夜黄梅雨后时,峰青云白更多姿,千条飞瀑万条涧,此时雁荡第一奇。峭刻瑰丽,莫若灵峰;雄壮浑庞,莫若灵岩 ...

2020-04-22 #短篇故事

求一名人名言及其背后的故事?求一名人名言及其背后的故事 急! 爱问知识人

求一名人名言及其背后的故事?求一名人名言及其背后的故事 急! 爱问知识人

问: 答:雁荡经行云漠漠,龙湫宴坐雨蒙蒙一夜黄梅雨后时,峰青云白更多姿,千条飞瀑万条涧,此时雁荡第一奇。峭刻瑰丽,莫若灵峰;雄壮浑庞,莫若灵岩 ...

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