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伊索寓言英语故事带翻译欣赏 伊索寓言英语小故事

时间:2020-09-08 22:12:01


伊索寓言英语故事带翻译欣赏 伊索寓言英语小故事

伊索寓言英语故事带翻译欣赏伊索寓 言英语小故事 《伊索寓言》在中国的传播有着悠久的历史,其传播过程中不仅体现着中西方文明之间的相互激荡、相互作用,本文是小编 整理的伊索寓言英语故事,欢迎阅读。 wolfwanted vigilantshepherd hisdogs. Oneday wolffound sheep.He put walkedamong lambthought itsmother because his skin looked like hers. So 一只小羊羔把这只披着羊皮的狼误认为自己的妈妈,被领出了羊群。 Soonafter hadleft wolfcame sometime he succeeded enjoyinghearty meals. 寓意:事物的外表有时候会掩盖它的本质,所以我们不能只 凭表面现象就作判断。 GreedyDog GREedydog went butchersshop bigjuicy bone. He ran away so fast butchercould catchhim. He ran out hisbone. He 一只贪心的狗跑到一家猪肉店偷了一根很大又有髓的骨头.他跑很快,所以那个卖猪肉的人追不到他.他咬著他的大骨头跑到 空旷的地方,准备要好好地吃个痛快. dogcame narrowbridge across dogwalked water.He could see another dog bigbone hismouth. 这只狗来到一条溪流.有一座窄窄的桥跨在上面.这只狗走到桥上,望水里面看.他看见另一只狗嘴里咬著一跟大骨头. GREedydog thought waterlooked much bigger than onehe had stolen from 这只贪心的狗认为在水里面的那根骨头看起来比他跟卖肉的偷来的这根骨头大多了. GREedydog dropped bonefrom his mouth. lost.He jumped biggerbone from otherdog. 这只贪心的狗从嘴理丢了那根骨头.它掉到水里而且不见了.他跳进去水里面想从另一只狗那儿抓那跟更大的骨头. GREedydog jumped bigsplash. He looked everywhere hecould otherdog. His shadow had gone. 贪心的狗跳进水里溅起好多水花.他到处看,可是都找不到其他的狗.他的倒影不见了. sillydog went home hungry. He lost his bone gotnothing because he had been too GREedy. 这只笨狗饿著肚子回家.因为太贪心,他弄丢了他的骨头而且一点东西也没拿到. Love恋爱中的狮子 farmerlives alone hisDaughter. She verybeautiful, alsovery thoughtful. Farmerloves his Daughter very much. Right now, fieldtogether.. 有个一农夫和他 的女儿相依为命。她长得十分美丽,而且善解人意。农夫非常宠 爱她。一天,他们正一起在田里干活。 Father:Dont work too hard, my dear. veryhot today! You might get sick. Daughter:Dont worry about me, Father. Why dont you go back home? cando 女儿:别为我担心,爸爸。你为什么不回家去呢?我自己干就行了。 letsfinish togetherquickly. Lioncomes down villagefrom forest.一只狮子从森林里出来,来到村子。 Lion:Look thosetwo! Yum, yum. lookvery delicious. Its my lunch time. shalleat them lunch.Hee, hee, hee. 狮子:看看那两个人。呣,呣。看起来很好吃的样子。我要吃午餐了,我要把他们当午餐吃掉。嘻嘻嘻 Liongoes Lion:RrrRrrI am forest!You two must mylunch today. Get ready Father:Oh my goodness! Lion!Where did comefrom? Run away, my dear! 父亲:哦,我的天啊!一只狮子!它是从哪里来的啊?快跑啊,亲爱的! cantleave you here alone. Lion:You braveyoung girl! Come closer me.Let me look Liontakes closelook FarmersDaughter. She sobeautiful. He falls firstsight. Lion:You onlybrave, alsovery beautiful, my dear. You mostbeautiful girl youmarry me? 狮子:你不但勇敢,而且非常美丽,亲爱的。你是世界上最美丽的女孩。你愿意嫁给我吗? Father:Marry you?! What do you mean? She cant marry you! Lion:Why Father:Well, uh She tooyoung getmarried. doesntmatter. She growold me.Give your Daughter elseyou bothdie. What youdo? 狮子:没关系。她会和我一起长大。把你的女儿给我。否则你们两个都得死。你要怎么做? mustask my daughter first. Please come back tomorrow. answeryou 父亲:我得先问问我的女儿。请你明天再来吧。到时候我会答复你的。 hisDaughter return home. Father:What shall we do, my dear? cantlet you marry youdont marry him, he eatus up. 父亲:我们该怎么办?亲爱的。我不能让你嫁给一只狮子。可是如果你不嫁给他,他会把我们都吃了。 Daughter:Dont worry too much, Father. way.Ill think something.Ah ha! Ive got 女儿:别太担心,爸爸,一定会有办法的。我会想办法的。啊哈!我想到了! Daughterwhispers something herFathers ears. Father:What greatidea! You onlybeautiful, verysmart, too. nextday, Farmermeets Lion:So what did your daughter say? Tell me 狮子:你的女儿说了什么?马上告诉我!Father; She said she marryyou. Lion:What Tellme! What else did she say? Father:She said she likes you very much. shesaid she yourclaws. What youharm her mistake?So thinkingCan you pull out your claws 父亲:她说她很喜欢你。可是她很怕你的爪子。如果你不小心伤到了她,那该怎么办?所以我想你能为了她拔掉你的爪子吗? Lion:Why yes! cando anything her!Come back tomorrow. Liongoes back hiscave pullsout all his claws. He sohappy. He cant wait FarmersDaughter. 狮子回到他 的洞中,拔掉了所有的爪子。他太开心了。他迫不及待地要迎娶 农夫的女儿。 Father:Hello Lion.Did you pull out all your claws? pulledall themout. Look allgone. Now tell her 狮子:我把它们都拔了,你自己看看吧!都没了。叫她到我这儿来吧! onemore thing. She said she alsoafraid yourteeth. toosharp. What youharm her them?So thinkingCan you pull out all your teeth 父亲:可是等一等,还有一件事。她说她也害怕你的牙齿,它们太尖利了。你用牙齿伤到她怎么办?所以我想你能把牙齿也都 拔掉吗? cando anything pullout all myteeth. Come back tomorrow yourdaughter. 狮子:那不成问题。我能为她做任何事。我会把牙齿全都拔掉。明天和你的女儿一起来吧。 shalltell her. See you tomorrow, Lion. Liongoes back hiscave pullsout all histeeth. He looks smiles.He excitedabout tomorrows wedding. 这次, 狮子回到洞中,拔掉了所有的牙齿。他对着镜子笑了笑。想到明 天的婚礼,狮子感到很兴奋。 Lion:Good morning, Farmer. pulledout all myteeth. Look yourself!Now sharpclaws sharpteeth. dideverything yourdaughter asked. cantharm her anymore. Where shenow? Where mybride? Bring her marryher right now. 狮子:早上好,农夫。我拔掉了所有的牙齿,你自己看看吧!现在我没有尖爪和利牙了。你女儿要求的事情我都办到了。我再 也不会伤着她了。她在哪里?我的新娘在哪里?把她带过来给我, 我要马上和她结婚。 Father:She cominghere today. marryingyou either! Lion:What?! What do you mean? pulledout my claws her.She said Father:Lion, you sona?ve. You have clawsnor teeth. youanymore. wontgive my Daughter you.Take 父亲:狮子,你太天真了。你没有了爪子和牙齿,我再也不怕你了。我不会把女儿交给你的。接招!看招! Lion:Ouch, ouch! Hey, what youdoing? Father:Go away before reallyhit you. Go, say!Go! Lion:What have done?Boo hoo hoo. MORAL:Wisdom can save you from all kinds

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