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The Goose with Golden Egg 下金蛋的鹅

A Farmer and his wife live in a small house in the country. They are very poor. Then one day something fantastic happens. 农夫和他的妻子住在乡下的一个小房子里,他们很贫穷,有一天,有件奇妙的事情发生了。

Farmer:Good morning, dear. 早上好,亲爱的。

Wife: Good morning.I ll fry you some eggs.早上好,我要为你煎一些蛋。

The wife goes out to the barn to get some eggs. She suddenly shouts loudly to the Farmer.妻子到谷仓里拿蛋,突然她大声地对农夫叫了起来。

Wife:Come out here, dear! Quickly!快来呀,亲爱的。快点!

Farmer:Why? What s the matter? 怎么了?什么事?

The Farmer runs out to the barn.农夫跑到了谷仓。

Wife:Look at this! 看看这个!

Farmer:What is it? 那是什么?

Wife:It s a golden egg! 一个金蛋!

Farmer:A golden egg?Where did you get is? 金蛋?你从哪里来的?

Wife:From this Goose.It laid this golden egg. 这只鹅呀,它下的。

Goose:Quack, quack!嘎,嘎!

Farmer:I can t believe it.It s so shiny and beautiful.What shall we do with it?我简直不敢相信,这只蛋耀眼又美丽,我们怎么处理呢?

Wife:Sell it at the market. 把它卖到市场上。

Farmer:Good idea.I ll sell it and buy some meat. 好主意,我会把它卖了,再买些肉回来。

Wife:Yes.I ll cook you a delicious meal tonight. 那今晚我会为你煮一顿美味的大餐。

Farmer:Yahoo! Thank you, Goose! 奥,谢谢你,鹅!

The Farmer goes to the market that afternoon and gets a good price for the golden egg. The Farmer and his Wife have a nice dinner that night, but they can t fall asleep. They are so excited and hope that the goose will lay another golden egg tomorrow morning. 当天下午,农夫到市场去把金蛋卖了个好价钱。农夫和妻子享用了一顿丰盛的晚餐。可是他们无法入睡,他们非常兴奋,并且希望鹅在明天早上会再下另一只金蛋。

Goose:Cock a doodle doo!!!咕 咕 咕!!!

Farmer:Wake up, dear.Let s see if the Goose laid another golden egg.起床,亲爱的,我们去看看鹅有没有再下金蛋。

Wife:Okay. Let s hurry. 好,我们快去。 The two rush out to the barn. 他们两人冲到了谷仓。

Farmer:Look!Another golden egg!看!另一个金蛋!

Wife:Thank you, Goose.We will be rich soon.谢谢你,鹅,我们很快就会富起来了。

Farmer:Yes. Thanks to the Goose.Feed it well, dear. 是呀,多亏了这只鹅,你可要好好地喂它呀,亲爱的。

Wife:Of course.I will feed it the best food. 我会喂它最好的食物。

After that, the Farmer and his Wife gave the Goose the best food. They loved the Goose. The Goose kept laying a golden egg every day. Some months later, the couple moved to a bigger house. They were very happy.从那以后,农夫和他的妻子给鹅吃最好的食物,他们很疼爱那只鹅。鹅继续每天下一个金蛋。几个月后,这对夫妻搬到了更大的房子里,他们非常的快乐。

Farmer:Thanks to the Goose, we are not poor anymore. 多亏了那只鹅,我们再也不贫穷了。

Wife:That is true. But I m getting curious. 那倒是,可是我越来越好奇了。

Farmer:About what? 好奇什么?

Wife:The Goose doesn t look special. 那只鹅看起来又不特别。

Farmer:So what? 那又怎样?

Wife:But how can it lay golden eggs? 可是它怎么能下金蛋呢?

Farmer:Good question. Now I m getting curious, too. Hmm 说的对,现在我也好奇了,嗯

More months passed and the Farmer and his Wife became quite rich.又过了几个月,农夫和他的妻子已经相当富有了。

Farmer:We are now quite rich. Thanks to the Goose. 我们现在已经相当富有了,多亏了那只鹅。

Wife:Yes. But I want to get really rich fast. 是呀,不过我想快点变得更富有。

Farmer:How? 那要怎么做呢?

Wife:Think. We don t know how the Goose lays the golden eggs. But we know where they are coming from. 你想想,我们不知道那只鹅怎么会下金蛋,可是我们知道那些金蛋是从哪里来的。

Farmer:We do? Where? 我们知道吗?从哪里?

Wife:From the Goose s stomach, of course. So its stomach must be full of golden eggs. 当然是从那只鹅的肚子里呀,所以它的肚子里一定装满了金蛋。

Farmer:Perhaps. I don t know.或许吧,我不知道。

Wife:Can t you see? We can become really rich all at once. 你不明白吗?我们可以一夜致富呀。

Farmer:What do you mean? 你的意思是?

Wife:Cut open the Goose s stomach. Take out all of the golden eggs inside. 剖开那只饿的肚子,拿出里面所有的金蛋。

Farmer:You mean kill the Goose? 你是说杀了那只鹅?

Wife:Yes. A golden egg a day is too slow. I want to become really rich. Now! 每天一个金蛋太慢了,我要变得非常富有,立刻!

Farmer:But it has given us a golden egg every day. It made us rich. We can t kill it now. 但是它每天都给我们一个金蛋呀,他让我们富有了,现在我们不能杀它。

Wife:Why not? Don t you want to become richer faster? 难道你不想快点变得更有钱吗?

Farmer:Yes, but we are rich right now. 想呀,可是我们现在就很有钱呀。

Wife:Yes. But I want to become really really rich. I want to live in the city. Bring the knife from the kitchen. 是呀,可是我想变得真的真的很有钱,我想住到城市里去。去把厨房里的刀拿来。

Farmer:If you wish, dear. 遵命,亲爱的。

The Farmer brings a sharp knife from the kitchen. The Goose sees the knife and starts crying and runs away. The Wife hides the knife behind her back. 农夫从厨房里拿出一把锋利的刀,鹅看到了刀,开始一边叫一边跑,其子把刀藏在了身后。

Goose:Quack, quack!嘎嘎!

Wife:What s the matter, Goose? I have something delicious for you.怎么了,鹅?我有好吃的东西要给你呀!

Goose:Quack, quack!嘎嘎!

Wife:it s running away! Go and catch it! 它跑走了!去抓住他!

Farmer:Okay, dear. Come here, Goosey. 好的,亲爱的,过来,鹅。

Goose:Quack, quack!嘎嘎!

Wife:Catch it, catch it!抓住它,抓住它!

Farmer:I got it! 抓住了!

Goose:Quack, quack!嘎嘎!

The Farmer catches the Goose and the Wife is about to cut open its stomach. 农夫抓住鹅,妻子准备剖开他的肚子。

Wife:We will be really rich soon. How many eggs will there be? 我们很快就会变得很有钱了,会有多少金蛋呢?

Farmer:I don t know. But there must be many. I m getting curious now. Hurry up. Cut it open. 我不知道,可是肯定很多,现在我越来越好奇了。快点,剖开他。

Wife:Okay, here I go. 好,我要下手了。

Goose:screamQ U A C K!!! (惨叫)嘎!

The Goose s stomach is cut open. The Farmer and his Wife look surprised. 鹅的肚子被剖开了,农夫和他的妻子看起来非常吃惊。

Farmer:Where are the golden eggs? 金蛋在哪里呢?

Wife:I don t know. There must be some inside. Look carefully! 我不知道,这里头一定有一些。看仔细点!

Farmer:There are none! What have we done? 一个也没有,我们都干了些什么呀?

Wife:No golden eggs? 没有金蛋?

Farmer:Poor Goose. We were too greedy. So we will become poor again. 可怜的鹅,我们太贪心了,我们又会变穷。

Wife:Poor us! 可怜的我们!

Farmer:Boo hoo hoo. 呜 呜 呜

MORAL: Don t be greedy. 不可贪心。




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