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Because she could dance like a princess now. Cinderella got into her coach and went to the ball, but her Fairy Godmother warned her that she had to leave the ball by midnight. When the prince saw Cinderella he thought she was so beautiful that he danced with her all evening. They were both very happy. Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve, and 浙江教育学院外国语学院 Cinderella remembered what her Fairy Godmother had told her. She ran out of the palace and was in such a hurry that one of her glass slippers came off as she was down the stairs. The prince found the slipper and ordered his servant to go out kingdom 浙江教育学院外国语学院 * * 少儿英语故事教学案例 浙江外国语学院英文学院 Fairy Tale Magic Stories 浙江外国语学院 学生英语工作室 策划指导:高歌 配图设计: 陈金枝、蔡珩 2009.05 Word 1 jealous [‘d?el?s] 妒忌的;羡慕 Eg: The girl’s stepmother was very jealous of her. Word 2 invitation [?nvi’tei??n] 邀请;请柬,请帖 Eg: Thank you for your kind invitation Word 3 gown [gaun] 女式礼服 Eg: She bought an evening gown for the party. Word 4 pumpkin [‘p?mpkin] 南瓜 Eg: She turned a pumpkin into a golden coach Word 5 coachman [‘k?ut?m?n] 马车夫 Eg: She turned a rat into a coachman. Word 6 strike [straik] 敲响;报时 Eg: I didn t hear the clock strike. Word 7 slipper [‘slip?] 拖鞋 Eg: Her glass slippers came off as she was racing down the stairs. Word 8 servant [‘s?:v?nt] 仆人,佣人 Eg: The master left his money with a trusty servant. Word 9 discover [dis’k?v?] 发现 Eg: Recently they have discovered new things. Word 10 palace [‘p?lis] 宫,宫殿 Eg: The prince lives in the palace. Story Time! This story is based on British council learningEnglish.com A girl called Cinderella lived with her stepmother and two step sisters, v Cinderella lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters, who were jealous of her and treated her very badly. She had to spend all day, every day doing work around the house. One day an invitation arrived from the prince, who was having a ball. Cinderella had to help her stepmother and stepsisters make beautiful dresses for the ball, and on the night they went off and left the poor girl alone. She was very sad, but suddenly her Fairy Godmother appeared. She turned a pumpkin into a golden coach and turned Cinderella’s old clothes into a beautiful gown. Cinderella was very happy 浙江教育学院外国语学院 *


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