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初中英语小故事阅读英语小故事可以提高英语阅读能力,下面是小编给大家整理的初中英语阅读小故事,大家可以看看。更多英语小故事可以直接参考 小牛英语网 .故事一:男女有别 A man named Fu Xian was fond of reading books. Though proficient1 in literature and etiquette2, he was stubbornly adherent3 to outworn rules. Being impractical4 and dull, he looked just like an old pedant5. One day, Fu Xian strolled on the street with measured strides and asked whomever he met: "Have you seen Wei San?" Someone pointed6 to the direction and he walked on unhurriedly with measured strides. When he saw Wei San, he panted for a while, then said: "I just saw your wife doing needlework under a tree. She was tired and taking a nap. Your child was playing beside a well, only 3 to 5 chi away from it. It seemed to me that some accident might happen. As there is prudent7 reserve between men and women, it was not convenient for me to awaken8 your wife in person. Thats why I have come all the way here to tell you." Upon hearing this, Wei San was panic stricken and hurried home. When he got home, his wife was bending over the well, wailing9 bitterly for their son. 有个叫傅显的人喜欢读书。他对文章礼仪也很精通,只是性情迁腐迟钝,看上去就像个老学究。 一天,傅显踱着四方步上街,见人就问:“看见魏三了吗?” 有人给他指点方向,他就踱着方步走去。等见到魏三,他喘了几口气之后才说:“我刚才看见三嫂,她在树下做针线活儿,疲倦了,就在那儿打吨。您家的小孩儿,在水井旁边玩耍,离井口不过三五尺远,看上去好像要出事。因为男女有别,不便直接叫醒三嫂,所以特地跑来告诉你。”魏三听了,惊恐万分,急忙跑回家去。等他赶到家,他的妻子已经趴在井口,在痛哭自己的儿子了!故事二:戴高帽子 The Chinese people call flattery to someones face "presenting a tall hat" to someone. In the past, an official in the imperial1 court in Beijing was appointed to an official post outside the capital. Before departure, he went to his teachers home to bid farewell. His teacher warned him: "It is not easy to be an official outside the capital. You should be prudent2 and careful." The official replied: "Please dont worry. I have prepared 100 tall hats,and will present one to each and every person I meet. Im sure all the local people will be pleased." The teacher said reproachingly3: "We are all honest gentlemen. How can you do that?" The official pretended he had no way out and said: "Very few people under heaven are like you who dislike being flattered4 or presented with tall hats." Hearing this, the teacher was very much pleased. He nodded and said: "What you said is true, too." After the official said farewell to his teacher and went out, he said to his friend: "Of my 100 tall hats, now only 99 are left." 中国人把当面说奉承话叫做给某人“戴高帽子”。 在古代,有一个在京城朝廷里做官的人,奉命去外地做官。临行前,他去老师家告别。老师叮嘱说:“外地的官不容易做,应当谨慎小心些才好。” 那个做官的人回答说:“请老师放心,我准备了一百顶高帽子,逢人便送他一顶,管叫地方上人人高兴。” 老师生气地说:“我们都是正人君子,怎么可以这样做呢?” 那个做官的人装着无可奈何的样子说:“天下不喜欢戴高帽子的人实在太少了啊!像老师您这样的又能有几个呢!” 老师听了很高兴,点点头说:“你讲的也不错!” 那个做官的人告别老师出来后,对朋友说:“我的一百顶高帽子,现在只剩下九十九顶了!”故事三:天帝赐酒 One day, deities1 from various places came to pay homage2 to the Emperor of Heaven. The emperor gave his minister in charge of wine cups the following order: "Register the names of the deities first, then bestow3 wine upon them." The minister registered the names of the deities on bamboo slips, and prepared to bestow wine. But he kept on working for 3, 000 years and had not finished the registration4 yet. The emperor inquired: "Why havent you finished registering?" The minister reported: "All the deities have brought their sedan chair carriers." The emperor ordered: "Then register the sedan chair carriers as well." 7, 000 years passed and the registration was still not done. When the emperor inquired again, the minister had no way out but reported: "The sedan chair carriers of the deities have brought their own carriers too." So the wine was not bestowed5 after all. The Emperor of Heaven remained silent for a long time and then heaved a deep sigh. 一天,各路神仙都来朝拜天帝。 天帝命令司筋大臣说:“先把他们的名字登记好,再赐给他们酒喝。” 司筋大臣拿着竹简,登记各路神仙的姓名,准备赐酒,可是登记了三千年,还没登记完。 天帝查问:“你为什么还没有登记完?" 司筋大臣报告说:“各路神仙都带着轿夫。” 天帝下令:“轿夫,也登记上吧!” 结果,又登记了七千年,还是没有登记完。 当天帝再次查问的时候,司筋大臣无可奈何地报告说:“各路神仙的轿夫,又都带着自己的轿夫啊!” 赐酒一事,最终还是没有成功。 天帝沉默了半天,长长地叹息了一声。以上就是初中英语故事的全部内容。推荐阅读:


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