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英语故事The Three Little Pigs 三只小猪



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英语故事The Three Little Pigs 三只小猪 2018 02 01 Once upon a time there were three little pigs and the time came for them to seek their fortunes and build their houses. 从前有三只小猪,他们已经到了自谋生路的年纪,要建造自己的房子。 The first little pig built himself a house of straw. 第一只小猪给自己建了一座稻草做的房子。 The middle brother decided to build a house of sticks, it wasn’t either a very strong house. 第二只小猪决定建一座树枝做的房子,它也并不非常坚固。 But the third pig, the oldest, decided to build a house of bricks. 但是第三只也是年纪最大的小猪决定建一座砖头做的的房子。 He did not mind hard work because he wanted a strong house.. 他并不怕辛苦,因为他想要一座坚固的房子。 Because he knew that in the woods nearby there was a wolf who liked to catch little pigs and eat them up. 他知道在这座森林附近有一只爱抓小猪来吃的大灰狼。 When the three houses were finished, the three little pigs were happy dancing and singing "Who is scared of furious wolf, furious wolf, furious wolf?当三座房子建成的时候,三只小猪都非常开心。他们又唱又跳——“谁害怕愤怒的大灰狼?愤怒的大灰狼?愤怒的大灰狼?” Just as the first little pig reached his door, out of the woods popped a big bad wolf. 就在第一只小猪刚到自己房子门前时,一只大灰狼从树丛中跳了出来。 The little pig squealed with fright and slammed the door. 小猪惊恐地尖叫着,把门砰地一声关上了。 "Little pig, little pig, let me come in!" cried the wolf. “小猪,小猪,让我进去!”大灰狼在门外大喊。 "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!" said the little pig. “不可能!我才不会给你开门呢!”小猪害怕极了。 "Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!"roared the wolf. “那我就要生气啦,我要猛吹一口气,把你的房子吹倒!”大灰狼咆哮道。 And he blew the little straw house down. 于是他就把稻草做的小房子吹倒了。 Away raced the little pig to his brother’s house of sticks. 这只小猪只好飞快地跑到猪哥哥用树枝做的房子里。 The wolf was really angry, so he went behind the youngest pig until the house of sticks, where the pigs were singing. 大灰狼十分生气,他紧跟着猪弟弟,跑到树枝做的房子前,此时小猪们正在唱歌。 "Who is scared of furious wolf, furious wolf, furious wolf?" “谁害怕愤怒的大灰狼?愤怒的大灰狼?愤怒的大灰狼?” Suddenly the wolf roared,"Open the door, let me come in!" 突然,大灰狼大吼一声,“开门,让我进去!” "No, we won’t!" said the pigs."Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!" “不,我们才不会这么做!”小猪们毫不客气,“不可能!绝对不会给你开门!” "Then I??ll huff and I??ll puff and I??ll blow down your house down!" roared the wolf. “那我就要生气啦,我要猛吹一口气,把你的房子吹倒!”大灰狼咆哮道。 And he blew down the little house of sticks. 于是他就把树枝做的房子吹倒了。 The two little pigs raced away to his big brother’s house of bricks and started to sing, "Who is scared of furious wolf, furious wolf, furious wolf?, 这两只小猪跑到他们大哥用砖头建造的房子里,开始唱,“谁害怕愤怒的大灰狼?愤怒的大灰狼?愤怒的大灰狼?” This made the big wolf perfectly furious, "Open the door little pigs!Let me come in! " 这彻底激怒了大灰狼,“小猪们,快开门!让我进去!” "No,Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!" “不,我们才不开门!” "Then I??ll huff and I??ll puff and I??ll blow down your house!" “那我就要生气啦,我要猛吹一口气,把你的房子吹倒!” But he couldn’t blow down that little house of bricks. 但是大灰狼根本没法把这座砖头建的房子吹倒。 He decided to climb and get in through the chimney. 他决定爬到房顶上,从烟囱里钻进去。 So he climbed, jumped down and fell right into a kettle of boiling water! 他爬上房子,顺着烟囱跳下来,结果落到了一锅滚烫的开水里! He sprang straight up the chimney again and raced away into the woods. 他被烫得一跃而起,又从烟囱中爬了出去,一溜烟跑进树林中。 The three little pigs never saw him again, and spent their time in the strong brick house dancing and singing. 这三只小猪再也没有见过大灰狼,他们在这座坚固的砖头房子里尽情地又跳又唱。 “Who is scared of furious wolf, furious wolf, furious wolf?” “谁会怕愤怒的大灰狼,愤怒的大灰狼,愤怒的大灰狼?

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三只小猪的故事 的翻译是:The three little pigs story 中文翻译英文意思 翻译英语

三只小猪的故事 的翻译是:The three little pigs story 中文翻译英文意思 翻译英语


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