
最简单的英语小故事 加中文翻译。



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最简单的英语小故事,加中文翻译. : One day,a little monkey is playing by the well. 一天,有只小猴子在井边玩儿. He looks in the well and shouts : 它往井里一瞧,高喊道: “Oh!My god!The moon has fallen into the well!” “噢!我的天!月亮掉到井里头啦!” An older monkeys ... 简单的英语小故事带中文 : The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got ... 简单的英语小故事带翻译 : A Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. ”What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?” ”I gave it to a poor old woman,” he answered. ”You re a good boy,” said the mother proudly. ”Here are two cents more. But ... 4o个词的英语小故事加翻译简单的. : One good turn deserves another I was having dinner at a restaurant when Harry Steele came in. Harry worked in a lawyer s office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and ... 简短的英语小故事,要中文,急需!!!!!!!!! : It was a cold winter day in 1919. A small boy was walking along the street in London. His name was Tom. He was very hungry. He wanted to buy some bread, but he had no money. What could he do? When he was very young, he wanted to be a ... 简单英语小故事,带翻译 : the world s greatest swordsman at an exhibition of the world s best swordsman, the third place fencer took the stage. a fly was released, and with an arc of his sword he cut the fly in half. the crowd cheered. then the second place man sliced a fly into ... 简单的英语小故事,要翻译 : 你好,下面这个小故事希望对你有帮助,如果可以的话,望采纳+赞同.A Monkey and a Tiger Today I am very happy to stand here, telling you a story:A Monkey and a tiger .Every one thinks the monkey is very small, but the tiger is strong.In this ... 英语小故事及翻译10篇简短又易懂 : How time flies ,It has past half an month since beginning of the summer holiday . As the weather getting hotter and hotter ,my parent and me go to the seaside .Last week we are go to the Xiamen.It s a beautiful city , bule sky and bule sea .The ... 英语小故事,带翻译,简单一点的,100词左右 : The Fox and the Crow “狐狸和乌鸦” One day a crow stood on a branch near his nest and felt very happy with the meat in his mouth. At that time, a fox saw the crow with the meat, so he swallowed and eagerly thought of a plan to get the meat. ... 15个英语小故事含中文 越短越好 : 1.The Ox and the Dog An ox and a dog serve for the same farmer.One day the dog arrogantly says: “How grand I am! In the daytime, I watch out for the cattle in the meadows; at night, I guard the house. But you…” “Me? How about me ?” the ox ...

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最简单的英语小故事 加中文翻译。

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