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My sister was fond of traveling. Ever since graduating, she had been determined to organize a trip to an old temple. Since transporting fare was expensive, she decided to use a bicycle to cycle there not caring about the disadvantages. Her stubborn attitude was always her shortcoming. Once she made up her mind to do something, no one could persuade her to change her mind. Finally, we gave in as usual though we preferred to take a train. After we prepared everything, including the schedule, reliable weather forecast and the insurance, we began our trip.xiao84.com

Our journey was along a river flowing from a high altitude. Our pace was slow because the river frequently had many sharp bends through deep valleys, where the water seemed to boil. Just as I recorded in my journal, it was really a hard journey. But we also enjoyed great views. One night, I put my head on my pillow a parcel of wool coats, and lay beneath the stars. When the flame in front of our cave went out at midnight, I found the sky so beautiful!






One day, the weather is sunny, the sun is shining.

The small white rabbit with a basket to pick mushrooms, it came to the hillside, see all over the mountains and plains is mushroom. Big, small, like a little flower umbrella. The little white rabbit side picks the mushroom, while humming a song.

The small white rabbit have a narrow escape from death songs attracted a tiger. The small white rabbit suddenly feel a murderous look behind, then look back up, oh! Unexpectedly is a big tiger! Scared the little white rabbit ran away, even without the basket.

The little white rabbit ran to the文库

river, saw an elephant, called, "help."! Help!" Elephant saw the rabbit behind with a big tiger, hurriedly with his long nose to rabbit gently roll, roll to your side. The tiger saw their food on the fly so, gnash teeth in hatred of elephants and shouted: "you this old thing, unexpectedly sense of taking my food, you fucking guy."

The elephant heard said the tiger it is an old thing, mad, with its nose rolled up tiger, struggled the tiger throw on the ground, all of a sudden the tiger fell and badly battered the. The tiger said to the elephant: "big brother, I was wrong, I will not be big bullying the small, please forgive me." Elephant said: "can be, if let me see you bully small animals, I will not let you."

The little white rabbit went home, had happened to relate in detail to tell mother. Mother said: "the elephant is really ready to help people ah, you must learn to it!" The rabbit said: "I will be a good and helpful boys."









One day, the mother duck hatched the eggs and stretched stretch, stretch my legs, of small duck said: "Mommy, I work for 28 days, to go to the water in a while false." The mother duck said dear the dear little ducks egg, and then with great care into the pond, just touch the water happily call! The mother duck tour, see the ducks egg is still, then to suck up water, relieved quietly walked away.

Adventure duck down all of a sudden, a cat to his evil hands stret

ched out, caught a duck on the run, while running to, is steamed? Or fried? Whether twenty one or three seven, its fried, and then ran into the kitchen, with a fork knocked the egg, jumped out of a duck, the cat put pepper powder on the head and body. The little duck has been playing a good number of sneezing, and finally uses a very big sneeze.

Little duck while eating bread, while the remaining piece of bread thrown away, the cat took the opportunity to put the knife forced to knock in the duck body, small duck from the circle drill out, immediately ran and saw a hole drilled into, just drill in the mouse in the quilt, bell like, like the mouse to wake. The mouse pulled the quilt, and saw that it was a duck. The mice just head out, the cat is a knife on the ground, the little duck saw the mouse pulled in. Mice from the back door out, angry the cats tail pull into their homes, then pulled into the front door of his home, then the tail out, cat with a big sword cut Kandao his tail, "ah" and called the sound. Mice and ducks took the opportunity to run out, saw the cat to catch up, mouse and duck brainwave easily, the board get sticking out, the board just to the cats neck pinch is, the cat was pinched to fly, but on the ground, mouse and duck run away.








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