
阿拉丁神 的故事英文版 doc

时间:2020-08-11 13:24:01


阿拉丁神 的故事英文版 doc

After reading Aladdin And The Enchanted lapWhen I was a little girl, I had read the story Aladdin And Enchanted lamp. At that time, I just admired Aladdin very much that he was lucky enough to have the Enchanted lamp. If only I had it! I would do and get everthing what I want easily without any effort. However minds have been changed when I grown up. I read the story once again.Aladdin was a lazy boy. He didn t like to work and he played all day with his friends in the market. He and his mother were very poor and were after hungry,but Aladdin never helped his mother. One day, Aladdin s uncle, Abanazar, arrived in the city I m a rich man , he told Aladdin and his mother. He gave them gold, bought Aladdin a beautiful new coat, and wanted to help them. Aladdin was very happy. But as a matter of fact. Abanazr was not Aladdin s uncle. He was a magician form mocrocco, and he wanted to find an enchanted lamp. He knew the lamp was in a magical garden under the ground, near a city in Arabia. Only a poor boy form the city can got into the grden and find the lamp. And that boy s name was Aladdin. So Abanazar helped Aladdin s family with the intention of Aladdin helping him find the lamp. After he got the trust of them . He took Aladdin to the garden of the Sultan s Pslace, after a long walk, they got to the destination eventually. Abanazar made a fine and took some powder out of a small box , and put it on the fine. He closed his eyes and said, Abracadabra ! At once, the sky went dark. Black smoke came from the fire, and in the ground there was now a big white stone with a ring in it. Aladdin was very afraid. He began to run away, but Abanazar took his arm and hit him on the head. For a minute or two Aladdin could not speak or more. Then he cried. Abanazar said, I m your father s brother, and you must obey me. Don t be afraid. In a short time you are going to be a rich man. Now only you can move this stone. Put your hand on the ring and say your name and your father s name. Very afraid, Aladdin p...

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阿拉丁神 的故事英文版 doc

阿拉丁神 的故事英文版 doc


阿拉丁神 的故事英文版 doc

阿拉丁神 的故事英文版 doc



