
Cherry Cox讲故事 02 A Home for the President



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A Home for the PresidentWould you like to be president and live in the White House?1 Ben stood outside the black [r?:t] wrought iron gate and stared because he couldnt believe he was where he was. It was Kate, on his shirt, who brought back his attention.2 What a place! I wish l could be president and live in there! said Ben.3 You never know, Ben, Mr. Wilkins said as he at Kate. This could be your address in the future. 4 If you were living here now, said Kate, youd be getting company. Thats what I wanted to show you, Ben. Look at the cars with the tiny flags on the . 5 As they watched, a long black car pulled up to the gate closest to them. A guard had a brief talk with the driver of the car. Then the gate swung open, and the car drove up to the White House. More vehicles came, each with a flag from a different country..6 Dad, Kate whispered, whats going on? 7 I think those cars are bringing guests from other countries to have dinner at the White House, said Mr. Wilkins.8 Im glad we dont have to wash the dishes, sighed Kate.9 Dad and Ben looked at each other and . Each of them continued to watch the parade of cars.10 You know, said Dad, what youre seeing isnt the original White House. 11 Its a ? asked Kate.12 Well, not exactly. During a war in 1814 the British burned the White House. A rainstorm put the fire out , but only the outside walls were left. The inside had to be completely rebuilt. Then, one hundred years after the rebuilding of the inside, the walls began to crack from old age. Experts thought the White House was ready to cave in, explained Dad.13 It looks fine to me, said Ben.14 Thats because workers hollowed out the White House in 1948 and constructed stronger walls. The inside was built to look just as it had looked before. The President had to live someplace else for the four years it took to finish the project. 15 I know one thing, said Ben. If I were President, Id make sure the work was finished so I could live in the White House.

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