
英语作文 有关俱乐部的英语作文 作业帮



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This is my examination that in August to write essays on the railway fans please read the answer:In the "I" refers to what "I" in which the railway line Mercedes Benz ?? In describing the details are that wherever ?? I travel Year after year,I have a long way to run,enjoy the enchanting scenery on both sides.As the early dawn of the earth,I out from home,came to the station.The station is still very quiet morning,only a few sporadic in the car waiting for the crossing.I come to a red car,he extended a friendly hand,she pulled out my hand tightly.In this way,we embark on a one day journey.Crossed the Bridge,a city far away from the hustle and bustle of the current film is a golden Mailang,the fiery red of red sorghum,I see delightful.Roadside a seat in the granary as if to tell me:this years good harvest.Suddenly a Pumianerlai drilling platform,the next stop for the oil Travel,which is the blood of Argentine industry!To move forward,endless swamp fly on a beautiful red crowned crane,I wish to stop and play with them.Line has become complicated,two long way Sharp right,leading to the distant place.And I remain alone to go straight ahead.I suddenly stripped of Castle Peak distant outline of the show!I can not wait Jiben the past.I had a river into the cause of it clear bottomed out,should Zhaozhuo beautiful blue sky,the street of the village flight Niaoniaochuiyan so that the time for lunch:the mountains are pine trees,Liu Lin,Guo Lin .....I unmotivated to watch this beautiful,but always have to go deep in the mountains.Gradually,I锷涗笉浠庡绩,had to be suspended in a building full of淇勫纺on the station.While I do not know how to do,from in front of a partner:"Let me help you!" We held hands to wait for the emergence of green.A green,the roar of engines drowned all,the river disappeared,rice wheat fields are gone,villages are gone.Now there is only one of corners and a Zhuangchuangbaolou.Because of gradually Gao Jun,Canyon骞芥繁aspect.Suddenly a black eyes into the tunnel!Long after dark,we stopped at a淇勫纺station,the partners go back to the finish after good bye.I also often after doctors toward dream The afternoon sun Kaode I would like to dozing.Tanzanian mountains gradually ease down,the present is the vast prairie.See the running of the sheep and scattered yurts,to me it is exciting period.With the heart of a long road and flew very far.Have the right of a stranger from the line and the integrated circuit and I.In a Tai Zhan,a lot of blonde hair and blue eyes,Bangtaiyaoyuan "Lao Maozi." I would like to take them to another country Ma ?? Grasslands still,my heart remains the same,tall floor,and coal preparation Waste Dump emerged.I could not and my forefathers were on a safe,active in a parked car packed with foreign border stations.Station platform in five star red flag fluttering high,I was in their own subdued!Failure and the red one day say goodbye,I went to a new home,and new partners to chat about the lateness of the hour.Tomorrow would also like to go home!With memories of todays and tomorrows vision,I have already gone to sleep.枃 ?? 鑻辫?缈昏疟 镟村ソ镄勭炕璇戝缓璁 镒熻阿镇ㄤ负 Google 缈昏疟鎻愪緵缈昏疟寤鸿?.鎴戜滑浼氩埄鐢ㄦ偍镄勫缓璁?湪灏嗘潵镟存柊鎴戜滑镄勭郴缁熸椂鎻愰珮缈昏疟璐ㄩ噺.This is my examination that in August to write essays on the railway fans please read the answer: In the "I" refers to what "I" in which the railway line Mercedes Benz ?? In describing the details are that wherever ?? I travel Year after year,I have a long way to run,enjoy the enchanting scenery on both sides. As the early dawn of the earth,I out from home,came to the station.The station is still very quiet morning,only a few sporadic in the car waiting for the crossing.I come to a red car,he extended a friendly hand,she pulled out my hand tightly.In this way,we embark on a one day journey. Crossed the Bridge,a city far away from the hustle and bustle of the current film is a golden Mailang,the fiery red of red sorghum,I see delightful.Roadside a seat in the granary as if to tell me:this years good harvest.Suddenly a Pumianerlai drilling platform,the next stop for the oil Travel,which is the blood of Argentine industry!To move forward,endless swamp fly on a beautiful red crowned crane,I wish to stop and play with them.Line has become complicated,two long way Sharp right,leading to the distant place.And I remain alone to go straight ahead.I suddenly stripped of Castle Peak distant outline of the show!I can not wait Jiben the past. I had a river into the cause of it clear bottomed out,should Zhaozhuo beautiful blue sky,the street of the village flight Niaoniaochuiyan so that the time for lunch:the mountains are pine trees,Liu Lin,Guo Lin .....I unmotivated to watch this beautiful,but always have to go deep in the mountains.Gradually,I锷涗笉浠庡绩,had to be suspended in a building full of淇勫纺on the station.While I do not know how to do,from in front of a partner:"Let me help you!" We held hands to wait for the emergence of green. A green,the roar of engines drowned all,the river disappeared,rice wheat fields are gone,villages are gone.Now there is only one of corners and a Zhuangchuangbaolou.Because of gradually Gao Jun,Canyon骞芥繁aspect.Suddenly a black eyes into the tunnel!Long after dark,we stopped at a淇勫纺station,the partners go back to the finish after good bye.I also often after doctors toward dream The afternoon sun Kaode I would like to dozing.Tanzanian mountains gradually ease down,the present is the vast prairie.See the running of the sheep and scattered yurts,to me it is exciting period.With the heart of a long road and flew very far.Have the right of a stranger from the line and the integrated circuit and I.In a Tai Zhan,a lot of blonde hair and blue eyes,Bangtaiyaoyuan "Lao Maozi." I would like to take them to another country Ma ?? Grasslands still,my heart remains the same,tall floor,and coal preparation Waste Dump emerged.I could not and my forefathers were on a safe,active in a parked car packed with foreign border stations.Station platform in five star red flag fluttering high,I was in their own subdued!Failure and the red one day say goodbye,I went to a new home,and new partners to chat about the lateness of the hour. Tomorrow would also like to go home!With memories of todays vision,I have already gone to sleep.

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