

时间:2020-06-26 17:00:01


SECOND STORY. A Little Boy and a Little GirlTwo


The next day it was a sharp frost and then the spring came; the sun shone,the green leaves appeared, the swallows built their nests, the windows were opened, and the little children again sat in their pretty garden, high up on the leads at the top of the house.

第二天下了一场寒霜 接着就是解冻 春天到来了。太阳照耀着,绿芽冒出来,燕子筑起巢,窗子开了,小孩子们又高高地坐在楼顶水笕上的小花园里。

That summer the roses flowered in unwonted beauty. The little girl had learned a hymn, in which there was something about roses; and then she thought of he rown flowers; and she sang the verse to the little boy, who then sang it with her:


The rose in the valley is blooming so sweet,And angels descend there the children to greet. And the children held each other by the hand, kissed the roses, looked up at the clear sunshine, and spoke as though they really saw angels there. What lovely summer days those were! How delightful to be out in the air, near the fresh rose bushes, that seem as if they would never finish blossoming!

山谷里玫瑰花长得丰茂,那儿我们遇见圣婴耶稣。这两个小家伙手挽着手,吻着玫瑰花,望着上帝的光耀的太阳,对它讲话,好像圣婴耶稣就在那儿似的。这是多么晴朗的夏天啊!在外面,在那些玫瑰花丛之间,一切是多么美丽啊 这些玫瑰花好像永远开不尽似的!

Kay and Gerda looked at the picture book full of beasts and of birds; and it was then the clock in the church tower was just striking five that Kay said, Oh! I feel such a sharp pain in my heart; and now something has got into my eye! The little girl put her arms around his neck. He winked his eyes; now there was nothing to be seen.

加伊和格尔达坐着看绘有鸟儿和动物的画册。这时那个大教堂塔上的钟恰恰敲了五下。于是加伊说: 啊!有件东西刺着我的心!有件东西落进我的眼睛里去了! 小女孩搂着他的脖子。他眨着眼睛。不,他什么东西也没有看见。

I think it is out now, said he; but it was not. It was just one of those pieces of glass from the magic mirror that had got into his eye; and poor Kay had got another piece right in his heart. It will soon become like ice. It did not hurt any longer, but there it was.

我想没有什么了! 他说。但事实并不是这样。落下来的正是从那个镜子上裂下来的一块玻璃碎片。我们还记得很清楚,那是一面魔镜,一块丑恶的玻璃。它把所有伟大和善良的东西都照得藐小和可憎,但是却把所有鄙俗和罪恶的东西映得突出,同时把每一件东西的缺点弄得大家注意起来。可怜的小加伊的心里也粘上了这么一块碎片,而他的心也就立刻变得像冰块。他并不感到不愉快,但碎片却藏在他的心里。

What are you crying for? asked he. You look so ugly! There s nothing the matter with me. Ah, said he at once, that rose is cankered! And look, this one is quite crooked! After all, these roses are very ugly! They are just like the box they are planted in! And then he gave the box a good kick with his foot, and pulled both the roses up.

你为什么要哭呢? 他问。 这把你的样子弄得真难看!我一点也不喜欢这个样子。呸! 他忽然叫了一声: 那朵玫瑰花被虫吃掉了!你看,这一朵也长歪了!它们的确是一些丑玫瑰!它们真像栽着它们的那个匣子! 于是他把这匣子狠狠地踢了一脚,把那两棵玫瑰花全拔掉了。

What are you doing? cried the little girl; and as he perceived her fright,he pulled up another rose, got in at the window, and hastened off from dear little Gerda.

加伊,你在干嘛? 小女孩叫起来。他一看到她惊惶的样子,马上又拔掉了另一棵玫瑰。于是他跳进他的窗子里去,让温柔的小格尔达待在外边。

Afterwards, when she brought her picture book, he asked, What horrid beasts have you there? And if his grandmother told them stories, he always interrupted her; besides, if he could manage it, he would get behind her, put on her spectacles, and imitate her way of speaking; he copied all her ways,and then everybody laughed at him. He was soon able to imitate the gait and manner of everyone in the street.

当她后来拿着画册跟着走进来的时候,他说这本书只配给吃奶的小孩子看。当祖母在讲故事的时候,他总是插进去一个 但是 ,当他一有机会的时候,就偷偷地跟在她的后面,戴着一副老花镜,学着她的模样讲话:他学得很巧妙,弄得大家都对他笑起来。不久他就学会了模仿街上行人的谈话和走路。

Everything that was peculiar and displeasing in them that Kay knew how to imitate: and at such times all the people said, The boy is certainly very clever! But it was the glass he had got in his eye; the glass that was sticking in his heart, which made him tease even little Gerda, whose whole soul was devoted to him.His games now were quite different to what they had formerly been, they were so very knowing. One winter s day, when the flakes of snow were flying about,he spread the skirts of his blue coat, and caught the snow as it fell.

凡是人们身上的古怪和丑恶的东西,加伊都会模仿。大家都说: 这个孩子,他的头脑一定很特别! 然而这全是因为他眼睛里藏着一块玻璃碎片,心里也藏着一块玻璃碎片的缘故。他甚至于还讥笑起小小的格尔达来 这位全心全意爱他的格尔达。他的游戏显然跟以前有些不同了,他玩得比以前聪明得多。在一个冬天的日子里,当雪花正在飞舞的时候,他拿着一面放大镜走出来,提起他的蓝色上衣的下摆,让雪花落到它上面。

Look through this glass, Gerda, said he. And every flake seemed larger, and appeared like a magnificent flower, or beautiful star; it was splendid to look at!

格尔达,你来看看这面镜子吧! 他说。每一片雪花被放大了,像一朵美丽的花儿,或一颗有六个尖角的星星。这真是非常美妙。
















