
用英文写“司马光砸缸”70个单词左右。 Once upon a time There was a boy named Sim



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Sima Guang TankSima Guang is a famous politician and writer in the Northern Song Dynasty. When he was young, one day he went to hide and seek with his buddies in the garden. One of the children covered their eyes with their hands, and other small partners quickly hid themselves. Some were hidden in the trees, some were hidden in the rockery, and some hid in the flowers. When everyone is hidden, the blindfolded partner begins to look for everyone.The blindfolded child carefully touched left and touched right. Everyone held their breath and was afraid to be discovered. Suddenly he "popped" and then he heard someone shouting, "Help!" The buddies all ran out to see what was happening. It turned out that there was a large water tank filled with water on the rockery. The little partner who climbed onto the rockery accidentally slipped into the water tank.The water tank is very large. Sima Guang and his companions cannot reach the water tank mouth at all. They can hear the help of life but cannot pull out the little partner who fell into the tank. Other small partners were scared away. Some ran while shouting for adults, while others ran while crying. Sima Guang was not terrified. He rushed out of wisdom and picked up a stone around the rockery and slid it toward the water tank. Because of his small strength, Sima Guang even squatted a few times. He only heard a click and the water tank was opened to a big hole. The water flowed out through the hole and the water flowed out. The younger partner was saved.The children, Sima Guang was very valuable when he encountered urgent matters and was able to calm down and find a solution to the problem. Sometimes we are not unable to solve the problem, but because of horror I do not know how to do it, so it is very important to keep calm in my mind.司马光砸缸司马光是我国北宋时期著名的政治家、文学家。他小的时候,有一天,跟小伙伴们在花园里捉迷藏。其中一个小朋友用手绢蒙住自己的眼睛,其他的小伙伴就迅速地藏起来,有的藏到树上,有的藏到假山上,有的躲到花丛里。等到大家藏好了,那个蒙着眼睛的小伙伴就开始找大家。蒙着眼睛的小朋友小心翼翼地左摸摸、右摸摸,大家都屏住呼吸,恐怕被发现。突然“扑通”一声,接着就听到有人在喊:“救命啊!”小伙伴们都跑出来看发生了什么事。原来,假山上有一个装满水的大水缸,爬到假山上的小伙伴不小心,脚底一滑,掉进了水缸里。这个水缸很大,司马光和小伙伴们根本够不到水缸口,他们听到救命声,却无法把掉进缸里的小伙伴拽出来。其他的小伙伴都吓跑了,有的一边跑一边喊大人,有的一边跑一边哭。司马光没有被吓坏,他急中生智,抱起假山周围的一块石头,朝水缸砸去。由于人小力气小,司马光连砸好几下,只听“喀喳”一声,水缸被砸开一个大洞,水顺着洞口流了出来,一会儿水就流光了,小伙伴得救了。小朋友,司马光遇到紧急事情能沉着冷静,想办法解决问题,这一点十分可贵。我们有时候不是不能解决问题,而是由于惊惶不知怎么做,所以遇到事情保持冷静的头脑十分重要。

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用英文写“司马光砸缸”70个单词左右。 Once upon a time There was a boy named Sim

用英文写“司马光砸缸”70个单词左右。 Once upon a time There was a boy named Sim


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