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求一篇小学四年级的英语小故事 不要太简单 最好带汉意



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The Monkey and the Fishermen《猴子捞月》Once upon a time, there lived a monkey in the woods. The monkey climbed up the tree and looked down at the river everyday.One day, the monkey saw fishermen throw a net over the river. He watched how the fishermen caught fish.Sometime after, the fishermen left the net and went to have lunch. Then, the monkey climbed down from the tree and went to the riverside. The monkey was planning to throw the net like the fishermen did.The monkey was confident since he was good at imitating. Yet, the net wound around the monkey when he touched it. Tied up in the net, the monkey fell into the water.The monkey regretted his behavior, but it was too late. "I should have learned how to use the net before touching it. After believing my prowess and showing off, I am in a bad fix." The monkey who did not behave carefully drowned in the water.Story 2 TheOld Man and the Old CatAn old manhas a cat. The cat is very old, too. He runs very quickly. And his teeth arebad. One evening, the old cat sees a little mouse. He catches it, but he can’teat it because his teeth are not strong enough. The mouse runs away.The old man isvery angry. He beats his cat. He says: “You are a fool cat. I will punish you!”the cat is very sad. He thinks:“When I was young, Iworked hard for you. Now you don’t like me because I’m too old to work. Youshould know you are old, too.”故事二 老人和老猫一个年迈的老人养一只猫.这只猫也非常老了.她跑得很快,但是牙齿很糟糕.一天王还是那个,这只老猫看见一只小老鼠.它抓住了小老鼠,但是它却吃不了它,因为它的牙齿不够锋利了.这只小老鼠逃跑了.老人很生气,他打了小猫,并且对它说:“你这只蠢猫!我要惩罚你!”猫非常伤心,它想:“在我还年轻的时候,我为你努力工作.现在你却因为我太老了不能工作而不喜欢我.你应该知道你也老了.”

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求一篇小学四年级的英语小故事 不要太简单 最好带汉意

求一篇小学四年级的英语小故事 不要太简单 最好带汉意


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