
真实的英语爱情故事true love story作文4 爱情 故事 感人 作文 a true love story



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we work hard in the office, helping each other like sisters, www.joozone.com

后来,我们一起搬出单位宿舍,在北京海淀区租了一套两居室的楼房。We soon left our accommodations provided by work, and rent a 2 bedroom flat in Huai diam District.


方住在靠阳光的那间,我住在背阳光的那间。我们觉得很温暖。Fong’s room faces daylight but mine is always in shadow. However we both feel warmth from our friendship. 内容来自joozone

我们在客厅里看电视,写文字,还常常上网和朋友们聊天。We often write our thoughts down, watch TV or chat to others on the internet


最幸福的是晚上下班,我们一起去超市买蔬菜和食品。Our happiest moment of the day would be after work when we go to the super market to buy things for tea.


我喜欢吃芹菜腐竹,方喜欢吃小鸡炖蘑菇。我们两个人一般要做3个或者4个菜。I know Fong would like to eat different food from me, so we often cook 3 or 4 dishes for dinner. www.joozone.com

方的英语都过了6级,而我却还停留在初级的水平。她就找时间给我补习单词和口语。My English is very basic, but she has passed level 6, so I could practice my English with her.


隔壁门口经常放着一双球鞋,门永远是关的,只是经常在夜里听到梁静茹的《勇气》:只要你一个眼神肯定,我的爱就有意义……Our neighbor’s door is always closed, with a pair of trainers outside. We hear the music from the room, which is sang by a famous pop star, the lyrics described a love story. joozone.com

感情就是这样,说不出原因。我和方互相喜欢,愿意在一起。I and Fong think that the song describes the emotions we both feel, but there is no reason for us to feel that way.


我们终究没有逃开感情的网,虽然明知没有结果。We can not deny our mutual attraction any more, but we know nothing would come of it. joozone.com

仿佛世间只有我们两个,幸福地过着属于我们俩的日子。The happiness is ours and it feel like the world belonged to us www.joozone.com

方要考研究生,她说那一直是她的一个梦想。我劝她不要上班了,在家里专心复习。Fong’s dream is to take the ‘Master course’, I persuade her to quit work and follow her dream


方就真的不再上班了,在家里看书。我每天下班她都做好了晚饭等我。She stays at home each day studying and preparing food for when I get home from work.


有天快下班的时候,方约我晚上去吃酸汤鱼。饭后她送我一只可爱的小熊,我才知道今天是我的生日。One day after work, Fong ask me to have dinner outside. After dinner she gives me a nice teddy bear and I realize it is my birthday today.


晚上睡觉我都抱着小熊,我知道,我已经找到了归属的感觉。Every night when I cuddle the teddy bear, I feel that I have found the place where I belong


方的妈妈来北京了。吃着从家乡给我们带来的咸水鸭想起了我的妈妈,我笑笑也管方妈妈叫妈妈。Fong’s Mother come to visit us in Beijing, she bring some traditional food from their hometown. She reminds me of my Mum. I even begin to call her ‘Mum’


方妈妈给我讲了很多方的童年趣事,方小的时候和我一样,也玩过过家家游戏。Her Mum tells me lots of interesting stories about when Fong was younger. She would play ‘house’ just like I used to.


方妈妈就这一个宝贝女儿,她希望方早点结婚成家,她好来抱外孙。我和方相视一笑,都低下了头。Fong is the only child in her family. Her Mum wants her to marry earlier, so she could be able to see her grandchildren. Been hearing this, we express each other with a smile, and just look at the floor. 其实很多时候我也在想,我和方的感情到底是什么?We do not know what our feeling for each other really is.


妈妈走后,我问方,我们这样会有结果吗?我们刚刚开始,还是分开吧。门里门外,我们俩都泣不成声。After Fong’s Mum left, I suggest that we should split apart because I am not sure about our future.We stand either side of the door crying heavily. 责任编辑: 您有好的文章,请从这里提交 本站特聘编辑为您提供点评,还可以给大家共享,快来加入英语作文网吧!以上文章由 收集整理到发您想要的英语作文 英语作文论坛编辑为您解忧,希望您多多支持!

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