
少儿英语圣经故事115:Take my place代替mp3



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Character Check up II Corinthians 5:21Introduction:There is an old, old Chinese story about two brothers. The story goes that the oldest brother was honorable, dependable and honest; but the youngest brother brought shame to the family because he was always in trouble doing wrong things. One day the youngest brother was facing certain death because of his wrongdoing. He ran to his older brother to ask for help. In an splendid act of love, the older brother told him to quickly change clothes with him. When the law officers came, the older brother presented himself to them to take the full punishment for his younger brother s sin.哥林多后书 5:21引子:有一个关于弟兄俩的很古老很古老的中国故事。哥哥令人尊敬,可靠又诚实;而弟弟常常在外面惹事生非使全家蒙羞。有一天,弟弟因犯了事要被抓住处死。他跑去找哥哥帮忙。大哥对弟弟充满了怜爱,就让弟弟与自己快速换了衣服。当警官来的时候,哥哥就将自己交给他们,为弟弟承担了罪责。

Presentation:In a much greater way, that is what the Lord Jesus Christ did for you and me. II Corinthians 5:21 says, For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 提示:我们的主耶稣基督,以一种更伟大的方式也为你和我做了同样的事。哥林多后书5:21说: 神使那无罪的,替我们成为罪,好叫我们在他里面成为神的义。

Explanation:For God has made Jesus to be sin for you and me, Jesus Who knew no sin. You and I were born as sinners, but Jesus is perfect and without sin. Yet He willingly took our place and suffered the punishment of sin for us, which meant great suffering and death on the cross. Whyso that you and I could escape that punishment!解释:神使那无罪的,替我们成为罪。你和我生来就是罪人,而耶稣却完美无瑕。他竟愿意替代我们,为我们承受罪的惩罚,就是承受巨大的痛苦且死在十字架上。为什么?因为你和我因此可以逃脱罪的惩罚。

Application:If you have believed on the Lord Jesus, God sees you as clean from your sin the moment you believed on Jesus! Believing in Jesus makes you righteous before God. What a wonderful reason to praise God daily that He has saved you from the punishment of sin! Without money, without self effort, God has freely forgiven your sin and made you His child!应用:如果你已经相信主耶稣,从你接受耶稣的时刻起,神就看你为洁净,不再有罪!相信耶稣就使你在神面前称义。不用花钱、不用努力,只要相信,神就完全赦免我们的罪,将我们从罪的惩罚中拯救出来,并接纳我们作他的儿女,这些就足以使我们每天赞美我们的神!

If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, won t you do that today?What great love the Lord Jesus has shown for you in taking your punishment for sin, so you could be right with God. Won t you go now to How to Be a Child of God, and follow those steps? 如果你还咩有相信耶稣,今天有什么不可的?耶稣为了你们的罪行把他最无私的爱放在你们身上,所以你应该跟随他,你现在将可以跟随他。如何成为耶稣的孩子呢?

He loves me, He loves me, He loves me this I know!He gave Himself to die for me, Because He loves me so.他爱我,他是爱我的,我知道他爱我,他为了我而使自己死亡,因为他是如此爱我的。,

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