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五年级英语童话故事作文:The shy turtle



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Tilly is a shy trutle. She hao no friends. If anyone came by to talk or play, she would duck in her shell1 and wait until they went away.

Then one day, Freddy the frog came swimming by.

Tilly,don t hide in your shell. I just want to play. But Tilly was too shy.

No. No. Just go away.

Freddy the frog had many friends.He knew all the fish, he liked the dragonflies2. He joked with the ladybugs, and he hung out with the bees, but his best friend was Betty the Butterfly.

Hi,Betty. How are you?

Hi, Freddy, I m fine. How are you?

I don t think Tilly the turtle likes me. Whenever I ask her to come out and play, she hides in her shell and won t come out until I go away.

Betty says, I think Tilly likes you, but she is very shy, and she is very lonely. I think you should keep asking her to come out and play. One day she will come out of her shell.

Freddy liked Betty best because Betty was smart, and Freddy kept asking Tilly to come out and play.

One day when he was just swimming by, he said to Tilly, You can t have any friends if you hide in your shell. I think you should come on out and give it a try.

Tilly was lonely and she knew that Freddy was right.

She had no friends because she always hid in her shell.

So, Tilly poked3 her head out and looked all around, and she was amazed4 at how many new friends she found.

蒙蒙是个喜欢问问题的孩子,一天放学回家,蒙蒙问妈妈: 妈妈,什么叫 饮水要思源 啊?

妈妈想了想说: 就是喝水的时候要想到水的源流,不忘其本。

蒙蒙又问: 哦,能比喻一下吗?

妈妈想到蒙蒙这几天爱挑食,不爱吃肉,就说: 你平时只爱吃青菜,不爱吃肉,就应该想到农民伯伯养牲畜有多么辛苦,这就叫 饮水要思源 ,懂了吗?

没想到蒙蒙嘟囔着嘴说: 可是妈妈,既然你说饮水要思源,我一想到那些肉要从动物们的身上割下来,那多可怜啊,那些动物多痛啊,就不想吃肉了。这样的饮水思源,您不觉得太残忍了吗?


在铜钟的家族中有一种称为 铎 的。它的式样象钟,但个头很小,上有孔,装上木柄,可以执在手中。铎里装有铎舌,摇动时铎舌撞击铎壁而发出清脆的声音。有以铜为舌的,称为 金铎 ;有以木为舌的,称为 木铎 。按今天的叫法,它是一种大铃铛。

铎还有一个重要用途是用于军中发令。按古代军法:五人为伍,五伍为两,两的长官称 司马 ,司马执铎。发布军令: 必奋铎以警众,文事奋木铎,武事奋金铎。 所以司马又叫 振铎 、 鸣铎 。军中以鼓声为进军之令,以金声为退军之令。铎为铜铸,为金声,司马以铎声指挥鼓手。

铎 与 度 同音,有号令限度之意。古时发布政令时须用铎声召集民众。朱熹曰: 木铎,金口木舌,施教时所振,以警众者平。 后世常以 金口木舌 即铎代指传教布道之人。故尔,《论语.八修》篇云: 天将以夫子为木铎。 孔夫子自喻为天的代言人了。

商代时,在岐王宫中竹林内,曾用丝绕悬若干个很细小的玉片,每当风起,玉片互相碰撞发出声音,宫中人听见响声便知外面起风了。因玉片声弱,后来便在宫殿檐角悬挂若干装有铃舌的小铜钟,风起而铃响,被称为 占风铎 或 风铎 。后代高大建筑尤其是塔,每层檐角上都悬有风铎。微风乍起,一阵叮当之声,别有一番情趣,引人发思古之幽情,或借景抒情怀。唐代诗人白居易在《游悟真寺》诗中写道: 前对多宝塔,风铎鸣四端。 另一位诗人张耒也有 夜久月高风铎响,木鱼呼觉五更寒 的传世诗句。

解释: 以木为舌的铜铃,即木铎,古代施行政教传布命令时所用。指宣扬教化的人。

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五年级英语童话故事作文:The shy turtle

五年级英语童话故事作文:The shy turtle


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