
读原版英语不是英译中 是英译英:blindsided啥意思?


你都做到了吗?能做到吗?1 一篇好端端的原版英语,硬生生被你读成中文英译汉,可惜了:1 读到下面英语be blindedsided,你应该能把它和你学过的它的英

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1) 一篇好端端的原版英语,硬生生被你读成中文(英译汉),可惜了:

1.读到下面英语be blinded-sided,你应该能把它和你学过的它的英语同义词做联想联系,把它的英语同义词“用”起来:Oh,it means be confused, be left scratching my heads,be surprised unpleasantly,并做“用词比对鉴赏”:Oh,i know be confused,but be blindsided is a better word,so next time i will also say be blindsided to mean be confused,or be surprised,以及后文的seemed clueless about something而不是把英语和它的中文词做联系联想“发个措手不及,一脸懵逼”等等。这就是你读原版英语最缺乏最需要通过阅读原版英语训练获得的英语能力:是用英语的能力,而不是翻译成中文的能力。

2. 读到下面subway riders时,你联想到的不是英语同义词:Oh,it means underground/tube travelers/communters,而是想到它的中文(“用”中文也),你读的原版英语白瞎了。

3.读到rush-hour你不能用它的英语同义词Oh,rush hour means pick hour来理解,而是只能用中文来读懂,这原版英语白读了。

4. 读到Big Apple,你不是把学过的英语nickname用起来:Oh,Big Apple is the nickname for New York,而是把中文“用”起来:大苹果,原版英语读的无语。。。

5.读到commuters你不是在“用”英语:Well,commuters are bus/train riders going from home to work,and coming home from work,而是在“用”中文:上班族,这原版英语读的“冤”。

6.读到delays你不会“用”英语Well,delay means you are late,yoy are put off,or postponed,把英语同义词“串”起来互为解释,互为记忆,这原版英语不如不读。

7. 读到announce,你不能以此为“用英语,说英语”的机会To announce means to declare,to make public,to let the public know,而是“翻译”成中文来“读”,这原版英语不如不读。

8. 读到transit你不能以此作为“用英语”的机会Well,transit means public,or mass tranist like buses,subways,trains就能理解transit,而是用中文“大众交通”才能读懂,你的英语就是“学而不用”,只学不用。


2) 原版英语:

Big Apple commuters were blindsided byheavy rush-hour delays Monday morning — because the MTA was doing subway repairs that were never announced.

The transit agency began work on the N, R and D line tunnels running from 36th Street in Brooklyn to 59th Street in Brooklyn — but their website didn’t indicate(announced) “planned work” (scheduled work)on the yellow lines and declared(announced) there would be “good service.”

There wasn’t — and even MTA officials seemed clueless about(be blindsided) why the delays were happening when they first started getting reported.

“There are no reported incidents along the lines at this time,” tweeted the New York City Transit account around 8 a.m., when responding to a commuter complaining about (fuming about)being stuck(be delayed) on an N at 45th Street.

Only about an hour later did the MTA start informing(telling) riders that it was “performing critical(important) structural work” on the express tracks(fast lines) between 36th Street and 59th Street.

Commuters were fuming(complaining,你不觉得用fume比用学过的complain更“逼格”吗?这就是用英语读英语产生的“用词比对”效果) that they were only told about the delays, ranging from 25 minutes to over an hour, while they were experiencing them.

“How do you announce that the morning of, among all the delays??” asked @shibbyyshabamm.

“This should have been posted and reported.” “The app should’ve said ‘planned work.’ (scheduled work)There should have been signage in the station,” tweeted Jack Szwergold.

“I assure you that communication of this work between 59th St. and 36th St. was/is non-existent to abysmal.

Utterly nobody knew what was happening.(be blindsided)” “This is not on your website. Could you please explain this major communication discrepancy?” tweeted David Mutton.

Added a rider named Joanna: “No announcements. I’ve made it 4 stops in close to 40 minutes.”

Some also wondered why the work had to begin during Monday morning rush hour.

“Why was construction scheduled and not announced during rush hour on Monday?” asked Caroline Fenn on Twitter, who said it took her 30 minutes to go one stop on a Manhattan-bound N train.

The MTA responded on Twitter, saying it would “work to make sure(promise) the delays like this morning won’t reoccur(occur again,happen again)” as the work is slated to continue until December.

In a statement to Bay Ridge Councilman Justin Brannan, the MTA said the delays happened because signals weren’t properly set up to deal with service changes associated with the tunnel work.

“The MTA swore that the hot mess we experienced this morning will not happen again (reoccur)even though the service change on the N will remain in effect,” the statement Brannan posted on Twitter read.

“It just sounds like the MTA wasn’t ready for prime-time this morning.”

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