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Up = Increase in Value增值

Down = Decrease in Value贬值

to put up S = to raise提高

The supermarket put coffee prices up in January.一月份,超市的咖啡涨价了。

to bring down S = to reduce减少

The recession brought profits down sharply.经济萧条使得利润剧减。

Remember that phrasal verbs can be either separable or inseparable. Each phrasal verb is also marked as separable S or inseparable I. In the case that verbs are separable, examples will use the separable form of the phrasal verb. For inseparable phrasal verbs, examples keep the phrasal verbs together.记住,动词短语既可以是可分割(separable)的,又可以是不可分割(inseparable)的。当动词可以分割时,我们引用的就是动词短语分割的例子。对于不可分割的动词短语,我们举出的就是动词短语连用的例子。

Phrasal Verbs with Up含有up的动词短语

Up = Increase in Value增值

to put up S = to raise上升(S)

Well have to put our prices up to compete.我们也会提高价格来参与竞争。

Have they put the price of corn up recently?最近他们的玉米涨价了吗?

to go up I = to increase增加(I)

The price of gas went up in March.三月份油价上涨了。

Our rent went up in January.一月份我们的租金上涨了。

Up = Increase in Size尺寸变大

to bring up S = to raise usually children抚养(通常是小孩)(S)

They brought their children up to be responsible adults.他们将孩子养大成人。

Were bringing up two children.我们会把两个孩子抚养长大。

to grow up I = to become older年纪增长(I)

Youve grown up since I last saw you.你比我上次见到你时长大了。

The children grew up so fast.孩子们长得真快。

Up = Increase in Speed速度加快

to speed up I = to go faster in a vehicle交通工具行驶速度加快(I)

He quickly sped up to sixty miles an hour.他很快将速度加到每小时六十英里。

His motorcycle can speed up to 100 quickly.他的摩托车速度可以很快达到100英里每小时。

to hurry up I = to do something faster, to get ready faster做某事速度放快,快点做准备(I)

Could you please hurry up?!你能快点吗?!

Ill hurry up and finish this report.我会加快速度完成这篇报告。

Up = Increase in Heat温度上升

to heat up S = to make hotter加热(S)

Ill heat the soup up for lunch.我会把汤热一热作为午餐。

What should I heat up for dinner?晚餐我该热点什么吃呢?

to warm up S = to make hotter加热(S)

Ill warm this soup up for lunch.我会把汤热一热当午餐。

Would you like me to warm your tea up?我来帮你把茶热一下吧?

Up = Increase in Happiness, Excitement更加快乐、兴奋

to cheer up S = to make someone happier使某人更快乐(S)

Can you cheer Tim up?你能为蒂姆鼓鼓劲吗?

I think we need to cheer them up with a song or two.我觉得,咱们应该用一两首歌为他们加油。

to liven up S = to make something more fun使某事更加有趣(S)

Lets liven this party up with a game.我们来玩玩游戏,为聚会更有气氛吧。

We need to liven this meeting up.我们要使会议更有趣味性。

Up = Increase Sound音量加大

to turn up S = to raise the volume调大音量(S)

Please turn the radio up.请把收音机音量调大点。

I like to turn the stereo up when nobody is home.家里没人时,我会把音响声音调大。

to speak up I = to speak with a stronger voice说话音量加大(I)

You need to speak up for people to understand you.你说话声音要大点,好让别人听清。

Please speak up in this room.在这里说话声音要大点。

Up = Increase in Strength加大力度

to build up S = to increase over time逐渐增加

Its important to build your muscle strength up over time.慢慢锻炼肌肉很重要。

Theyve built up an impressive stock portfolio.他们已经加大了股票投资。

to pick up I = to improve over time逐渐改善(I)

My health has picked up over the past few days.这段时间以来,我的身体慢慢好转了。

The stock market has picked up recently.最近股票市场逐渐走热。

Phrasal Verbs with Down含down的动词短语

Down = Decrease in Value贬值

to bring down S = to reduce减少(S)

They bring down prices after Christmas.圣诞节后,他们降价了。

The summer brought heating oil prices down.这个夏天,燃料油价格下降了。

to go down I = to decrease减少(I)

The value of the house went down during the recession.经济萧条期间,房价下跌了。

Gas prices have gone down dramatically over the past few months.这几个月以来,油价剧烈下跌。

to cut down S = to reduce the value of贬值

Weve cut our research and development budget down significantly.我们已经大大减少了研究和发展的预算。

Theyve cut their investments down to half.他们已经将投资减少了一半。

Down = Decrease in Speed速度放慢

to slow down I = to reduce your speed减速(I)

Slow down when you drive into town.在城镇行驶时,注意减速。

My car slowed down and stopped at the intersection.我的车慢慢减速,停在了市镇。

Down = Decrease in Temperature温度下降

to cool down S = to a lower temperature降温

Youll cool down after you stop exercising.兴奋过后,你的体温会降下来。

This cool towel will cool you down.冷毛巾会让你的体温降下来。

Down = Decrease in Excitement冷静下来

to cool down S = to relax放松(S)

I need to take a moment to cool down.我需要一会儿时间放松下来。

Tom should cool his friend down so we can continue the meeting.汤姆应该让他的朋友放松下来,我们才能继续会议。

to calm down S = to make less excited平静下来(S)

I calmed the children down with a movie.我用看电影的方式让孩子们安静下来。

It took him a while to calm down after the meeting.开完会后片刻,他才安静下来。

Down = Decrease in Volume调小音量

to turn down S = to reduce the volume调小音量(S)

Could you please turn that music down?能请你把音乐声音调小一点吗?

I think you should turn the volume down on the radio.我觉得你应该把收音机的音量调小一点。

to keep down S = to remain soft保持柔和(S)

>Please keep your voices down in the library.图书馆里要保持安静。

Id like you to keep it down in this room.我想请你在这里保持安静。

to quieten down S = to encourage someone to become quieter让某人安静一点(S)

Could you please quieten your children down? 你能让你的孩子们安静一点吗?

Id like you to quieten the class down.我想请你管好班上的纪律。

Down = Reduce Strength减少浓度

to water down S = to reduce the strength of something often alcohol降低某物的浓度(经常是在酒后)

Could you water this martini down? 你能在马蒂尼里加点水一下吗?

You need to water down your argument.你需要淡化你的观点。 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。


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