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华研原版英文童话故事 The Little Mermaid 小美人鱼立体书



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书名:The Little Mermaid小美人鱼作者:Hans Christian Andersen, Robert Sabuda出版社名称:LittleSimon??出版时间:2013语种:英文ISBN:9781416960805商品尺寸:20.8??x5.2x26.2??cm包装:精装立体书页数:8

安徒生作品The Little Mermaid《小美人鱼》陪伴了几代人成长,在他们的童年中,小美人鱼的美丽、善良、专情和伟大感染了无数小朋友,而这次,知名的立体书大师Sabuda带来了3D效果的小美人鱼故事, 绚丽的立体效果以及专业的故事改编,重现了经典的美人鱼水下奇遇。翻开书页,赶快进入奇妙的水下世界吧!与小美人鱼共同经历那美丽感人的爱情故事!本书为英文原版立体书,集立体贺卡、英文原版小说、纸质动画为一体,可作为礼物送给小朋友,也适合大人收藏。推荐理由:1.被誉为“立体书大王”“纸的魔术师”的全球当红的玩具书设计名家罗伯特?萨布达3D立体演绎经典童话故事《小美人鱼》;2.根据原版故事绘制,图文并茂,仿若一幅幅色彩斑斓的奇妙画卷;3.全书巧妙运用棉线和立体纸艺,使场景跃然书页之上,纸上魔法令人惊叹;4.全球限量珍藏版本,高端立体纸技术,人气典藏。A beloved under the sea tale is now a pop up masterpiece, from expert craftsman Robert Sabuda.Come along on a magical journey under the sea in this stunning pop up adaptation of the beloved fairy taleThe Little Mermaid, expertly crafted by renowned paper engineer Robert Sabuda. Amazing three dimensional paper structures pop off each page, bringing this classic underwater adventure to life. This visually stunning tale of adventure, true love, and sacrifice is sure to become a favorite in any story lover’s library.

海洋王国有一个美丽而善良的美人鱼,她爱上了陆地上英俊的王子,为了追求爱情幸福,不惜忍受巨大痛苦,脱去鱼尾,换来人腿。但王子后来却和人间的女子结了婚。巫婆告诉美人鱼,只要杀死王子,并使王子的血流到自己腿上,美人鱼就可回到海里,重新过着无忧无虑的生活。可她却为了王子的幸福,自己投入海中,化为泡沫的故事。Ariel is fascinated with life on land. On one of her visits above the surface, she meets a human prince and falls in love. Determined to be with her true love, she makes a risky deal with an evil sea witch and trades her voice for legs. Ariel embarks on the adventure of a lifetime, but soon finds that the fate of her father’s kingdom is in her hands.

汉斯·克里斯汀·安徒生(1805 1875),丹麦19世纪知名的童话作家,既是世界文学童话的代表人物之一,也是个虔诚的基督教徒,被誉为“世界儿童文学的太阳”。1833年出版长篇小说《即兴诗人》,为他赢得国际声誉,是他成人文学的代表作。他的童话故事有《小锡兵》《海的女儿》《拇指姑娘》《卖火柴的小女孩》《丑小鸭》《皇帝的新装》等。安徒生生前曾得到皇家的致敬,并被高度赞扬:给全欧洲的一代孩子带来了欢乐。他的作品《安徒生童话》已经被译为150多种语言,在全球各地发行和出版。Hans Christian Andersen??often referred to in Scandinavia as H. C. Andersen; was a Danish author. Andersen’s fairy tales, which have been translated into more than 125 languages, have become culturally embedded in the West’s collective consciousness, readily accessible to children, but presenting lessons of virtue and resilience in the face of adversity for mature readers as well. Some of his most famous fairy tales includeThe Emperor’s New Clothes,The Little Mermaid,The Nightingale,The Snow Queen,The Ugly Duckling,Thumbelina??and many more. His stories have inspired ballets, animated and live action films and plays.罗伯特?萨布达,全球当红的玩具书设计名家,美国当今优秀的玩具书艺术家之一,被称作“立体书大王”“纸的魔术师”。他既能绘插画,也能设计,而且手工精巧,其作品深受小孩及大人的喜爱。他用全新的纸艺手法,让插图跃然书页之上,更让读者沉浸在玩具书的故事中。代表作品有Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland《爱丽丝漫游奇境》、The Wonderful Wizard of Oz《绿野仙踪》、Peter Pan《彼得潘》等。Robert Sabuda??is one of the most innovative and inventive children’s book creators and is known worldwide for his amazing pop up paper engineering. His books includeAlice’s Adventures in Wonderland,The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,The Twelve Days of Christmas,The Night Before Christmas,The Winter’s Tale,Peter Pan, Beauty and the Beast, to name but a??few, have garnered numerous awards and have made theNew York Times??bestseller lists on many occasions. He lives in New York City.


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