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Thousand and One Nights is a old book, which tells the many age old story. According to legend, a king, he married a woman every day, the next day to kill. There is this girl to stop his practice, so willing to marry the king. She gave the king a story every time just to kill time when she spoke of the highlights of the king had no choice but do not kill her. She has been talking a thousand and one nights, and finally to make the king change his mind. In fact, these stories are from the Arab nation, wisdom, and talent so as to form, some have been known, such as "Alibaba and the Sishitaidao", "Magic Lamp", "Adventures of Sinbad sailing" and so on. They are twists and turns vivid and rich imagination, most impressive. "Adventures of Sinbad Sea" tells of a businessman out to sea seven times, each time the sea had encountered various hardships, and he overcame these difficulties and finally become a millionaire. "Magic Lamp" is an idle child tell the evil fold in the help of the shaman has been the Magic Lamp. He then used the Magic Lamp of magic and their own wisdom to make the family rich, marry a princess, and killed and stole the Magic Lamps wizards and witches for witches revenge brother, eventually became the king. The "child prodigy case of intellectual theft of gold trial," the trial even with a prodigy out of a village with wise not the case the trial judges story, tell us the details can not be ignored. However, give me the most impressive thing is still "the story of three sisters." It tell the story of three sisters of the poor. The three sisters say that they were talking about when you wish to marry the kings baker, chef, as well as the King himself. The king happened to pass by, the immediate realization of their aspirations. When the two sisters are jealous of the Queens younger sister, they then she gave birth to two princes and a princess to go with the bamboo baskets filled with over Shuipiao, and said that the Queen gave birth to a dog, a cat and a wood. King of confinement of the Queen. Explorerve found three children were garden, raise a large garden mains can be had early to die. The three children in his house stay there. Time, the courtyard of the Princess know that they are "talking bird", "Singing Tree" and the "gold water" these three baby on someones also lag behind. So the Prince has to find two treasures, the results are halfway into a black stone. As a result, the Princess personally in an arduous journey to find treasure, and save the two brothers. Go back, "talking bird" with its ingenuity to make the king understand their Cuoguai the Queen, and recognized the child, the family reunited again. The story of two sisters I hate the behavior, the Queen made me sympathize with the two princes and princesses of the Xiongmeizhiqing touched me, Princess perseverance and courage in me admiration. "Arabian Nights" and there are many such stories, and some carry forward the courageous spirit of adventure, and some kind of resourcefulness, courage and the fight against evil forces praised the people of the underworld. "Arabian Nights" worthy of classical Arabic literature in the gem, worthy is the worlds literary treasure trove of treasures in the glorious bright. 一千零一夜是一本古老的书,里面讲述了许许多多古老的故事.相传,一个国王,他每天娶一个女子,第二天就杀掉.有个姑娘要阻止他的这种做法,于是愿嫁给国王.她给国王讲故事,每次要杀掉她的时候刚好讲到精彩的部分,国王只好不杀她.她一直讲了一千零一夜,终于使国王回心转意. 其实,这些故事是由阿拉伯民族智慧、才华凝聚成的,有些已经家喻户晓,如《阿里巴巴和四十大盗》、《神灯》、《辛巴德航海历险记》等等. 它们都是曲折生动、想象丰富,大多数令人感动.《辛巴德航海历险记》讲述了一位商人七次出海,每次出海都碰到种种磨难,而他把这些困难一一克服,最后成了一名富翁.《神灯》则述说了一个游手好闲的孩子在罪恶多端的巫师的帮助下得到了神灯.于是他运用神灯的法力和自己的智慧使家庭富裕,娶到了公主,杀死了偷走了神灯的巫师,和要为巫师报仇的巫师弟弟,最终当上了国王.而《神童智审盗金案》用一个神童竟然审出了一庄连聪明的法官也审不出的案子的故事,告诉我们不能忽略细节.不过,给我留下最深印象的还是《三姐妹的故事》.它述说了穷苦三姐妹的故事.这三姐妹在谈到心愿时说自己分别想嫁给国王的面包师、厨师、还有国王本人.恰巧国王路过,立即实现了她们的愿望.两个姐姐很妒忌当上皇后的妹妹,便把她生下的两个王子和一个公主用竹篮装着随水漂去,并说皇后生下了一条狗、一只猫和一根木条.国王幽禁了皇后.三个孩子被园林总管拾到、养大,可园林总管却早早地死了.这三个孩子在他的房子里住下.一次,公主得知他们的院子中有“能言鸟”、“唱歌树”和“黄金水”这三样宝贝就谁家也比不上了.于是两位王子先后去找宝物,结果都在半路变成黑石头.于是,公主亲自出马,历尽千辛万苦找到了宝贝,并救活了两个哥哥.回去后,“能言鸟”用它的聪明才智使国王明白自己错怪了皇后,并认出了孩子,一家人又团聚了.故事中两个姐姐的行为让我憎恨,皇后令我同情,而两个王子和公主的兄妹之情使我感动,公主坚持不懈、勇往直前的精神叫我敬佩. 《一千零一夜》中还有许许多多这样的故事,有的发扬勇敢冒险精神,有的对机智善良、敢于和恶势力作斗争的下层社会人民给予赞扬.《一千零一夜》不愧为阿拉伯古典文学中的瑰宝,不愧是世界文学宝库中光彩鲜艳的珍品

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