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转载经典童话《小红帽》Little Red Riding Hood

时间:2009-04-17 00:41:53



经典的童话,是孩子学习与成长中精美的精神食粮。正如《萤火虫 世界经典童话双语绘本》的引言中所述:“经典的童话就像在童年的天空中飞舞的萤火虫,在黑夜里留下光的足迹,在孩子的心里点亮一盏盏灯,让他们在成长的旅途中不会迷失方向。”







“小红帽,篮子里的东西,都是妈妈买的,你给姥姥准备了什么礼物呢? ”





1.黑猫出版社《Early reads》版本

依依从小就很喜欢听Blackcat出版的一套初级儿童读物 Early reads。听的比较多的是里面的《拔萝卜》、《丑小鸭》、《野生动物园》(A trip tothe Safari Park)。我最喜欢给依依播放这个英文版本的《小红帽》。

只是这个版本我们只有录音,没有纸质的书,所以每次听的时候,我都是对照《萤火虫》和RichardScarry《金色童书》版本的绘本来给依依讲。Earlyreads的特点是,始终由一个人播音员来朗读,读的清晰而又纯正,每个音、每个词、每句话都没有一丝的模糊,我感觉对孩子这样的语音语调很好掌握,容易把整个故事的发音印在脑海中。 Earlyreads录音是纯正的英音,对于孩子了解和熟悉英音非常有益。 这个故事的黑猫版英文部分是这样的:

Little Red Riding Hood is at home with her mum. They’re in thekitchen.“Yum, Yum! What lovely bread!”says Little Red Riding Hood. “I wantto take some bread to Grandma!”“Good idea! It is lovely bread!” says mum. “oh!and take some jam to Grandma, too!”says mum. It’s in the cupboard.”“Here’s the basket for the bread and jam!” says Little Red RidingHood.The sun is in the sky.There are birds in the trees.There are rabbits in the grass.There are a lot of flowers.Little Red Riding Hood stops.She wants to look at the butterflies.She wants to pick some flowers ,too.She wants to take some flowers to her Grandma!“Oh! OH! A wolf! Behind the apple tree!”says Little Red RidingHood.” help! Help! ”“It’s ok, little girl, It’s ok!” says the wolf . ‘I’m a good wolf,Who are you?”“I’m Little Red Riding Hood’ says Little Red Riding Hood. “Who areyou?”“I’m …I’m Mr. Wolf!” says the wolf . “What’s in the basket?”“Bread and jam, Bread and jam for my Grandma. ” Says Little RedRiding Hood.“Where’s your Grandma’s house?” says the wolf. “It’s over there!”says Little Red Riding Hood.The wolf runs to Grandma’s house!He knocks on the door of Grandma’s house,Grandma is in bed.“Who is it?” says Grandma.“It’s me, Grandma! Little Red Riding Hood!”says the wolf . “pleaseopen the door!”“Little Red Riding Hood?”says Grandma .” No! It isn’t you! It isn’tyou! It isn’t Little Red Riding Hood.“Yes ,Grandma. It is me! It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood! says thewolf .”Please open the door!”“Oh, no! No! It isn’t Little Red Riding Hood!”says Grandma .It’sthe Big Bad Wolf!”Grandma jumps out of bed!She runs to the wardrobe!She hides in the wardrobe.The Wolf opens the door and goes into Grandma’s house.Grandma isn’t in her bed.Little Red Riding Hood knocks on the door ofGrandmas house.“Hello! Hello, Grandma! It’s me , Little Red Riding Hood! Pleaseopen the door!”says Little Red Riding Hood . “I’ve got some flowersfor you.And I’ve got some bread and some jam in my basket for you.Please open the door!”“Oh, Little Red Riding Hood! I’m in bed ,Please open the door andcome in.”says the wolf.Little Red Riding Hood opens the door and goes into Grandma’shouse.The wolf is in Grandma’s bed.“Hello.Grandma ,Hello…Grandma, is it you? what big eyes you’vegot!” says Little Red Riding Hood. “Yes,dear !All the better to SEEyou with! Says the wolf.“Grandma! What big ears you’ve got!” says Little Red RidingHood.“Yes,dear ! All the better to HEAR you with! Saysthe wolf.“Grandma! Grandma! What a big mouth you’ve got!” says Little RedRiding Hood.“Yes,dear !All the better to EAT you with! Saysthe wolf.“Help! Help! Where’s my Grandma ?Where’s my Grandma?”says LittleRed Riding Hood. “The big bad wolf is in my Grandma’s bed.Help!Help!”Little Red Riding Hood runs to the door .The wolf runs after LittleRed Riding Hood!Little Red Riding Hood runs into the garden.She sees a woodcutter.“Help!Help! Mr Woodcutter, please help me!Grandma isn’t in thehouse! The big bad wolf is in Grandma’s house!Says Little Red Riding Hood.The woodcutter sees the wolf.Go away ,you big bad wolf! Go away! Says the woodcutter.Thank you,Mr Woodcutter! But where’s my Grandma?”says Little RedRiding Hood.“Let’s look in the house!”says the woodcutter.Little Red Riding Hood and the woodcutter go into the house.I’m in the wardrobe!Open the door!open the door!”says theGrandma.Little Red Riding Hood and the woodcutter open the wardrobedoor.Grandma comes out."Now let’s have the bread and jam!" says Grandma.Little Red Riding Hood, Grandma and the woodcutter all sitdown."Mmm, I love bread and jam!" says Little Red Riding Hood.

2 萤火虫《世界经典童话双语绘本》版本这是外研社请国内画家绘制的一套绘本。每一页中,中文在上,英文在下,中英文各占一半。录音是美音,印刷制作都很精美。全套书总共15本,都是很熟悉的经典童话,是我买来作为礼物送给女儿依依的。这套书的好处是真正的利用双语,用中文和英文都可以讲,所以使用率就比较高。很多开始用英语不太容易理解的童话,可以对照这套书,先用中文给孩子讲解一遍。这套书有中文和英文的录音,英语部分也是英音。我觉得这个版本的英文部分对依依目前显得偏长,因此就没重点来听。对这一本书看得倒是比较多,在播放别的版本录音的时候,我们也喜欢拿着这本书来看。




4《ReadingHouse》版本 ReadingHouse分为三级的18个童话,深受小朋友们的喜欢。这组童话和《童话盒子》与《萤火虫》尽管在名字上大部分都重复,不过在内容和形式却有较大差别。 Little RedRiding Hood是Reading house 的18个童话中的第10个。这个版本的录音是标准的美音,质量极佳。整个故事由一组人录制,有歌曲有对话,生动活泼,听着更象广播剧。我听了听录音,感觉不能用好来形容,只能用非常好!由衷的佩服出版社能制作出这么好的录音作品,连我这大人听了都特别喜欢,更何况小朋友了。等将来孩子语言把握好了,我们可以参照这个版本和孩子一起玩这个游戏。下面是这个版本的英文文字内容:

Little Red Riding Hood

Here is a little girl.She likes wearing a red cloakWith a red hood.That’s why people call her"Red Riding Hood. "

Today, Red Riding Hood’s motherReceives a letter from Granny."Granny is sick,"she says."Go visit her homeAnd give her some cake.""Yes,Mother,"says Red Riding Hood.

Red Riding Hood walks through a forest.She sees her friend playing hide an seek."Come and play with us,"says a boy."I can’t.I have to see my granny."she says.Red Riding Hood goes on.She sees some pretty flowers.

"I can pick some for Granny."she thinks.A hungry wolf comes and asks,"What’s your name?""I am Red Riding Hood."she answers."Come and play with me."says the wolf."I can’t.I have to see my granny,"says Red Riding Hood.

The wolf asks,"Where does she live?""Not too far.It’s over there,"Answers Red Riding Hood."I can eat Red Riding Hoodand her granny."The wolf runs very fastto granny’s house.

The wolf knocks on the door."Who is it?"asks granny."It’s me, Red Riding Hood!"

the wolf answers."I am coming,my dear!"

She sees a wolf’s paw."It’s the wolf!"she screams.She climbs into the cupboard.The wolf opens the door.but can’t find her.

The wolf puts on granny’s pajamasand sleeping cap.Then he jumps into her bed.Red Riding Hood knockson the door."Granny!It’s me, Red Riding Hood,"she says."Come in,my dear!"says the wolf.

Red Riding Hood opens the doorand comes in."Granny looks very strange today,"she thinks.

"Oh,Granny,"she says."You have very big eyes!""Yes,"says the wolf."They are better to see you with!"

Red Riding Hood walks a little closer."How strange!"she says."You have very big ears!""Yes,"says the wolf."They are better to hear you with!"

Red Riding Hood walks closer again."How strange!"she says."You have very big teeth!""Yes,"shouts the wolf."They are better to eat you with!"

The wolf jumps out of the bed."Help! Help!"Red Riding Hood screams.She runs out of the houseand into the forest.

"Rumble,rumble,one and two.My tummy is waiting just for you,"the wolf sings.

Red Riding Hood runs and cries."Climb up the tree,little girl!"shouts a monkey.He pulls her up the tree."I’ll get you,"shouts the wolf.

Red Riding Hood doesn’t go home.Her father goes to look for her."Daddy!Daddy!I am here,"shouts Red Riding Hood."I am coming,my dear!"says her father.He ties up the wolfand helps her down.

"Where is Granny?"he asks."I don’t know,"says Red Riding Hood.They run quickly to Granny’s house.

They can’t find Granny."Granny!Granny!"they shout."I am in the cupboard,"says Granny.Daddy helps Granny out ofthe cupboard.They are very happy.

"I have some cake and flowersfor you,Granny,"says Red Riding Hood."Thanks you,my dear,"says Granny."Let’s have cake and tea."

"Thank you so much for helping us, "says Red Riding Hood to the monkey.Granny gives him a little red cap.

The monkey likes the red cap very much."Your name is Little Red Cap,"says Red Riding Hood."I like my new name," says the monkey.And they becomes best friends.

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100个儿童英语小故事: The Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽

100个儿童英语小故事: The Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽


首发小红帽Little Red Riding Hood英文有声小说打包

首发小红帽Little Red Riding Hood英文有声小说打包



英语绘本故事|Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽

英语绘本故事|Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽



英语绘本故事|Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽

英语绘本故事|Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽

